"Meli! I've missed you girlie."

"Miss you too baby doll. Now spill. What's Chris like and please tell me your 'rents have fucked off?" I laughed, catching the attention of Sammi and Ella who were already changed.

"Who's that?" Sammi piped up and I winked at her. 

"In due time Sammi." I winked at her with a sly grin on my lips.

She pouted at me whilst Ella laughed and I turned my attention to Amelia once more.

"Chris is pretty much an amazing person. My 'rents turned up and he acted like a true friend once they left. He made sure that I was okay." I watched Amelia's face drop as she scrutinized the screen in front of her.


"Just, leave it." I couldn't help but sigh. "What's done is done. I've got people here to distract and comfort. I was just skyping you to let you know that I was okay seeing as I haven't spoken to you in three days." I grinned at her and she smiled back.

"Oo. I forgot to tell."

"Mm?" I looked at her bright expression and she grinned at me before tapping her nose.

"Actually, I'll inbox you later. You have guests." I groaned as she laughed at me.

"Fine." I muttered, pouting like a child as I did so.

"I promise, it's good news. But for now, let me know on facebook how you are and we'll skype in free time, yes?"

"Bingo." I grinned at her and she blew me a kiss whilst I created a heart with my hands.

"Love you Kii."

"Love you too Meli." With that she disconnected the call and I let out a sigh as I leaned against the chair, a smile on my face.

"Will you tell me who that was now?" Sammi pouted as I sat on the bed with her knelt in front of me.

"That was my best friend who lives in England." They all had a look of astonishment on their faces before Sammi grinned.

"Isn't she the girl who ended up letting CC borrow her phone to call you?" I blushed and nodded, a smile working its way onto my face as the memory replayed itself in my mind.

The girls awed and I shoved Juliet who simply laughed.

"What's the big plan for tomorrow then?" Ella asked and I heard everything go silent in the next room. I grinned at them and held my finger indicating them to keep hush.

"Well. I have many things planned." I grinned as they looked at me in confusion, I simply smiled as I grabbed my notepad and started to write out the list of things I intended to do. "I think some shopping first, then maybe some spa treatment?" I asked them before I showed them the pad. 

I watched in amusement as Sammi covered up her laugh and Ella just sniggered.

"They won’t enjoy being dragged around." Juliet pointed out and I grinned.

"They're free to do as they wish, but they'll miss out on the treat at the end of the day." I bit my bottom lip to stop the laughter and we heard a whine of protest from the next room. At this we all laughed before I collapsed with the others on my bed, all four of us giggling like teenagers.

"Night girlies." Sammi murmured before shutting off the light. Once the room was submerged into darkness, I felt myself become sleepier. Within moments, I was gone.

I slept easily that night, my dreams being avoided by the nightmares. 

I woke to a nice smell which I knew was coming from the kitchen. I turned my head either side to see the girls either side of me so I snuggled under the covers, letting my body relax as I left my eyes closed.

Fate In A Letter [Christian Coma]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα