Chapter 5 (Lemon) (Just A Little Bit)

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After Mocha woke up she looked at u and passionately kissed you causing you to wake up. You opened your eyes and cuddled her for a few minutes after that you looked at your alarm and saw it was only 1:30 a.m.

Mocha: Y/N can we go out today I want to get new clothes please cutie.

Y/N: Alright lets get ready and get something to eat.

After the two of you finished eating you drove to the mall and when you got there you held Mocha around her side and held her close.

Y/N: Mocha you can go to whatever shop you want to go to and I'll pay for whatever you want because Agent Takeshita left a note with $1000 saying that it's a monthly income for housing Mocha.


She jumped with joy and hugged you tight and kissed you. After a few minutes of her hugging you and you trying to pry her arms off of your chest she grabs your and hand starts walking around store to store coming out with at least one bag full of stuff she either needed or wanted.

Y/N: Mocha I know I told you how much money we have from this month but please we need to make this last until the next payment.

Mocha: Okay just one more store I really need clothes from this store.

Y/N: Alright my sweet adorable puppy.

She dragged you to the last store she wanted to go to. As you were being dragged you were able to see the contents of the store and you planted your feet and stopped like as if you'd been hit by a brick wall; which you did a brick wall that stops almost every man.

Mocha: Sweetie why'd you stop?

Y/N: Mocha it'd be weird if I went into that store.

Mocha: But whyyyyyyyyyyy? She groaned.


Mocha: Come one it won't be bad just stay with me.

Y/N: Mocha I'll just stay at that ben- ahhh wait! You couldn't finish your intended sentence because Mocha pulled you into the store because even though she was shorter than you she was stronger than you because she is a werewolf.

You tried not to get hard from all of the lingerie you saw in the store and you stopped when Mocha held up two sets of panties and bras.

Mocha: Which one do you think will look better on me. She said as she held up a pink bar and panty which was decorated in fur which looked adorable and another set that was black and had laces which looked sexy.

As you were about to tell her what you thought you stared at the bras and realized how big they are and you looked at her chest and never realized how much bigger they've gotten in a month. As that thought popped into your head you started feeling your other head start to think for itself and you started getting the same thoughts as your lower head. Before you could say anything Mocha realized that you've got an erection and she quickly dragged you to the changing rooms without anyone looking. Before you came to your senses Mocha quickly takes off your pants and underwear and her shorts and panties which were really wet. She pushed you on the ground and sat on your face forcing you to lick her vagina and she aggressively bobbed her head up and down of your fully erect penis. After about 20 minutes of both of you in a 69 position you tell her you're about to cum and with one last bob you came all the way down her throat making her more arouse which made her cum forcing her orgasmic juices to slide its way down your throat.

Y/N: Mocha that was amazing.

Mocha: You weren't so bad yourself baby.

Y/N: Let's get dressed and get out of here.

She nodded and you two snuck out of the changing rooms and paid for both sets of lingerie and left the mall. When you got home the two of you got home Mocha decided to cook steak and eggs. After she finished cooking she prepared your plate and set it in front of you. You were about to dig in when all of a sudden she grabbed your hand.

Y/N: Is everything okay Mocha?

Mocha: Yes it's just I wanted to ask you if it's okay if I could feed you while I sat on your lap.

Y/N: Sure I see nothing wrong with that.

As you said that she cut the steak into slices and sat on your lap holding the plate in one hand and a fork with a slice of steak in the other and she put the steak in your mouth and as you finished chewing and was about to swallow she stopped you again.

Y/N: Hm? Was all you could say because your mouth was full.

Mocha set the late and fork on the table and grabbed your face and started passionately kissing you and both of you moved your tongue around each others mouth also getting the steak involved. After breaking apart for air you notice that you only had half the slice of steak that was in your mouth. You look at Mocha confused then saw her chewing something and she swallowed it. It took you a minute but you realized it was the steak. You laughed and kissed her smoothly soft cheeks. After feeding each other you showered but Mocha decided to walk in and shower with you.

Mocha: Baby can I wash your back please?

Y/N: Sure and I can clean you in return.

After playfully showering and cleaning each other the both of you dried off and went to bed cuddling each other and snuggling not letting go of each other.

-End Of Chapter 5-

Sorry again for not updating in a while I've just been lazy and I'm still recovering from my ankle injury and I've been busy with sports and I've been really depressed lately I've been going to both physical therapy at school and going to an actual therapist for my problems. The only time when I'm happy nowadays is when I see you my readers vote on my story and when I'm with my girlfriend. I've lost all of my friends because I thought they were my friends but they turned their back on me and verbally bullied me. But I'm just glad that I could finish this chapter and hopefully make you my favorite audience happy. (╹◡╹)

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