S9: I Never Thought.... (Sad ImmortalFox OneShot) [P1]

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               Eddie exited out of his car as he stepped into the pouring rain, not bothering to put his jacket on. Sniffing loudly, he began sobbing, walking to the river. He couldn’t believe it; he couldn’t believe he was single, he couldn’t believe that his soul mate had ended it with him, and that he didn’t even love him anymore.

               He desperately fell next to the riverside as he rocked back and forth, sobbing harshly. Aleks had promised him they’d always be together, and that they’d never break up-

               I guess all good things have to fucking end for me.

               Aleks had promised him he loved him, promised him that he always would and that he’d hate the day they broke up- if they ever broke up, anyways.

               I guess I can’t trust anyone now huh? He thought desperately, not noticing how bad he was shivering and how cold he was- no, the negative emotions overthrew care for himself.

               There was no point caring for himself anyways- no one else did it, right?

               He sobbed even louder as he remembered why Aleks had broken up with him,, the only reason that made Eddie sink into this depression…

               Fucking James had stolen his boyfriend from him. He knew it would happen, that Aleks would fall for James if he hadn't done it already. He knew he should've never believed Aleks when he said that NovaHD was never going to happen, that Immortalfox would stay canon...

And what hurt even more was the fact that James had replaced him completely, meaning that he had no where to stay, and he sure as hell wasn't going to go to some shitty ass hotel.

And now..... Now he was nothing. He knew that his items had probably been dropped off at his office, and that Aleks had probably forgotten about him already. Just the very thought made him sob louder, made him dig his nails harshly into his palms desperately. As the blood starting coming out of his wound, he tried distracting himself this way from the emotional pain he was feeling, failing miserably.

And now,… He was nothing. He didn’t care if his friends ever saw him again or even if he died out there… all he cared about was that no matter who Aleks choose, he was at least still happy.

No matter how depressed Eddie was, no matter how much he hated himself, no matter how sick he was becoming right then, all that he cared about was Aleks, and Aleks only.

He knew that Aleks was going to stay with James either way, and he knew he’d always love Aleks no matter what, no matter how depressed he would be and how much it’d hurt to see the two together.

For Pete’s sake, he didn’t even know if he could go to the office again, knowing that the two would be there every day. He’d have to make up excuses, say that he was sick, or that he was visiting his mom. He knew that either way, he had to convince Jordan to let him stay-

Oh, yeah.

He didn’t have a home now. He stopped sobbing for a second, his eyes widening in a panic. Oh God, I don’t have anywhere to stay! Where am I going to go? He asked, beginning to sob again once more.

He didn’t know how long he stayed out there, or how long he was cold; all he knew was that he had developed a fierce cold, that his body was super cold, and that he had never stopped sobbing.

Finally, someone came and tried talking to him, to which Eddie ignored as he sobbed even louder. He found himself in his boss’s arms as h Jordan laid him gently in his car, buckling him up.

“J-J-Jordan, I-I d-d-don’t want t-to go h-home, I-I w-want t-to s-stay h-here and f-freeze a-and-“

“Eddie, are you listening to yourself right now?! You need to go home, you’re freezing, Aleks has no idea where you are, he’s probably worried about you right now.” Jordan told him in an concerned tone as he looked at him.

“N-n-no he’s not, he’s n-not worried, h-h-he has James now, I-I-I have n-no where to stay, I-I-I’m so c-cold, I-I –“ He whimpered out, shivering madly.

Jordan turned around in the front seat as he sighed, placing a blanket on him as he looked at him sorrowfully. “Hey, it’ll be alright, Eddie, you can stay with me.” He cooed out as he turned around, turning on the car as he put on the heater in hopes of making Eddie warm up.

Soon, Eddie was warm as he rested his head on the cat seat, sobbing silently as he tears flowed down quickly.

Jordan sighed as he began driving to his house, frowning at the sight of a depressed and broken Eddie. It hurt him to see his friend, his co worker, his usually bubbly Latino friend like this- it really did.

It hurt him even more that two other Creatures had done this to Eddie.

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