S5: Plane Ride to Minecon (ImmortalFox)

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Aleks and Eddie sat down in the plane, both of them being silent as they were very tired. They had slept in on the day before they were to go to Minecon; thus, they had to rush to the airport and get a last minute plane ticket to Orlando, Florida. Luckily, they had gotten the plane tickets, and thus, rushed onto the plane, which led them to the predicament they were in right now.

Eddie was excited as fuck, like usual, but when he glanced over at his friend, who was sitting on his right by the window, he frowned. Aleks, who was usually peppy when it came to meeting fans at cons, was suddenly very solemn, as if he didn't want to go at all. This confused Eddie very much. How could the person he love- the person he knew more than Aleks would ever know- be nervous at this point in time?

"Aleks?" Eddie asked softly, placing his hand on his roommate's. Aleks didn't even seem to notice; he was in such a panicked state that he didn't seem to notice anything going on in reality.

"Aleks." Eddie stated again, this time pulling Aleks into an awkward cuddle. Aleks didn't even flinch at this; he just cuddled into Eddie, obviously wanting to be comforted.

"Aleks, it's okay." Eddie cooed, patting Aleks's shoulder. Aleks slowly shook his head, tears starting to form.

"No it's not, Eddie." Aleks replied in a depressed, yet panicked tone. Eddie slowly placed his lips on Aleks's neck; he could feel the vibration of Aleks's heartbeat, which was very quick for some reason.

He looked at his beloved face; which was starting to turn a slight shade of red.

"Aleks, what's wrong?" Eddie asked softly, this time putting his lips on Aleks's cheek.

"She's going to be there." Aleks answered solemnly, cuddling deeper into Eddie.

"Oh." Eddie simply stated awkwardly, not sure what to say. Aleks meant that Tiffany, Aleks's ex girlfriend, was going to be at Minecon, which was strange; He thought he remember that Tiffany didn't really like Minecraft at all.

Eddie simply cuddled with Aleks on the plane; sometimes getting looks of disgust or slight "awws" being heard. But Eddie didn't care as long as he could finally hold Aleks in his arms. He had been waiting for this moment forever, and it felt like a dream that it was happening right then.

So they stayed like that the whole time they were on the plane. During the rare times Aleks fell asleep, Eddie would, every now and then, kiss Aleks's cheek, causing the seemingly stressed male to smile in his sleep, blush fiercely, or to mumble something softly, which would cause Eddie to smile.

When the plane finally arrived in Florida, Eddie poked Aleks's shoulder softly, causing him to wake up.

"Huh?" He asked in a groggily tone; looking around madly.

"It's time to go." Eddie explained as he got up from the seat like the people around him; putting his hand out to help Aleks get up. Eddie could clearly see the worried expression on Aleks's face and smiled, leaning slowly into Aleks.

"Aleks?" Eddie questioned softly.

"Yea-" Aleks started before getting interrupted by Eddie kissing him. Eddie put his secret emotions into this kiss; the love he had felt, the slight pity, the way he wanted- no, he needed- Aleks to be his. He felt Aleks melt into the kiss and giggled softly, pulling away slowly.



"I love you."

"I love you too."


This oneshot is for MittyMinx, who sent me an awesome prompt! Here it is:

"Ship: Immortalfox

Prompt: Sly and Aleks are flying on a plane to minecon 2013 and Aleks starts freaking out and having panic attacks because he has a fear of flying on planes so Sly comforts him until the plane lands."

I hope this satisfied your guys's need for ImmortalFox! I apologize for no chapters on Manhunt and T.L.H lately; I've been planning out this ending for Manhunt forever and so yeah... I've been trying to make sure it's perfect. As usual, thanks for reading!


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