S8: Arguments (UberHaxorNova x Reader)

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"You asshat!" You shouted at him as he blocked you from getting up the final platform on the new map you were playing on the game called "BattleBlock Theatre". Aleks couldn't play with him today, as he was still on vacation- or, at least, that was what James told you; so, he had called you to record with him instead. You were his best "girl" friend- though not in the way it sounded. You smirked silently as this thought passed through your mind; but unfortunately for you, that was the thought that distracted you two from getting into the door on time, thus, losing the round.

"What the f-" He started to shout as you almost made it to the door before the final second disappeared. "Noooo!" He shouted before looking at you in disbelief.

"Why weren't you paying attention?" His voice suddenly boomed at you, the rage being obvious in it.

"I was! We could've actually finished the level if you hadn't been a dick and blocked me from going into the door!" You shouted at him, obviously not amused at him.

"Well I wouldn't have done that if you would actually listen to me!" He shouted at you, obviously not amused.

"Fine!" You yelled back, getting up from the computer chair. "I'm so done with you!"

You exited the house that you both were currently in, angered. Why did he have to blame everything on you? Why did he have to rage so much? Why did he have to sound adorable when he was angr-

Woah, you thought as you sat down on the porch steps, confused. I've never thought that before.

It was true though. He did (to you at least) sound adorable when he was angry, and you found it cute how his eyes would widen, how he would childishly slam his hands on his desk-

"Say it with me," You muttered to yourself, obviously starting to become flustered. "I do not think he's adorable, I do not like him, he's probably gay for Aleks-"

"You okay?" James suddenly asked, sitting by her with a smirk on his face. You froze, eyes widening. You then closed them sheepishly, praying to God he hadn't heard you mumble these ridiculous thoughts.

"Just- fine." You mumbled again, your voice making you sound somewhere between slightly angry and flustered.

"Uh- I-I'm s-sorry for yelling at- at you." He apologized, looking down with a blush. You stared at him, your eyebrow raising. He never apologized this early- in fact, he never apologized until the next day. Even so, he didn't ever sound like this when he did apologize. What was going on tonight?!?

"It's okay." You replied to him, your eyes become soft at the sight of him. He suddenly appeared- well, nervous, confused, and slightly flustered, obviously trying to figure out something in his head.

"You okay?" You asked suddenly, reaching out for his hand before stopping yourself. You obviously needed to get some more sleep- either that or you were really falling for James, which was unbelievable. How could you like him?

How could you not like him? A voice in your head said.

"Yeah, uh- I just... wanna ask you something, I guess.." He replied nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, go ahead. I won't mind- I don't care what it is and I'll answer honestly, no matter what." Your voice suddenly sprang to him.

His face moved closer to yours slowly as your eyes widened. What was he doing? Was he really about to do what you thought he was about to do?

"I was wondering... Well, I've known you for- for close to half a year now, and I was wondering... maybe.. if you'd like to go on a... date? It doesn't have to be somewhere fancy, we can hang out here or do something else-" You interrupted him by planting a kiss on his cheek softly, smirking. He suddenly stopped, and you could feel the heat coming from his cheek. He knew you- knew how you didn't really like to go to fancy places, how you strangely prefered doing slightly normal- yet, romantic- things.

"Pick me up at six tomorrow?" You mumbled slyly to him before moving your lips from his cheek and beginning to walk to your car, smirking.

"S-sure! Whatever you want!" He replied, slightly flustered and sounding a bit confused.

"Oh, and James?" You asked suddenly, turning around just as your hand was on the car door.


"I know Aleks really isn't on vacation, you cheesy fuck." You told him before getting in your car, turning it on, and driving away; leaving a confused- yet, happy- James at the porch of his house.

creaturz requested a Nova x Reader oneshot and this is what I came up with. First time doing something like this so uhm- leave your opinion down below on it, I guess. If you want something like this- it can be any YouTuber x Reader- just comment down below which YouTuber you want and (unless I have no idea who they are) I will gladly make one for you.

Thanks for reading!


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