Oh God

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Thea's POV

"Oh God!"

"You said you wouldn't freak out!" A now teenage Tony reminded me.

Hm yeah that's gone out the window!

Yeah a few hours ago Steve and Tiny Tony went to see if Fury had a cure to get the boys back to adults but hey look it just made it worse!

I had to admit Tony was a very good looking kid but this is worse because he'll want to go out, get drunk, sleep with girls and build stuff again, okay yes he has his adult mind back but there could be side affects to this change like he could lose his adult memory again and teenage Tony could come back... Not knowing where his parents are!

I sighed. "I'm sorry Tony, I'm just shocked at this," I told him honestly.

"Can I go back home now?" Tony asked as he looked between myself and Steve.

I looked at Steve for help. "It's his choice," Steve said sadly. "We can't force him to stay."

"Would letting a teen Tony run around be a good idea?" I asked while pinching the ridge of my nose. "Just think for a moment please Steve!"

Steve sighed. "He don't have the room for a teenager, he can't stay and you know it," He told me. "He'll be better in his own home with JARVIS."

I couldn't deny it Tony was a smart kid, he always has been and there is nothing I can do about this situation, Fury will keep an eye on him like he's always done and I've got to accept that he'll be okay being on his own.

Taking a deep breath I looked at Tony. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked softly.

Tony gave me his confident sassy smirk. "Thea you're acting like my Mom," He stated with a chuckle. "I'm going to be okay, I'll have JARVIS!"

I pulled Tony into a hug and kissed his cheek. "look after yourself Tony," I told him then pulled away.

Steve patted Tony's shoulder. "Becareful Tony," He told him. "I'll come and see you at HQ in a few days."

The teen nodded. "Sounds good," He told him.

"Say bye to Loki," I told him then watched him pull a face. "Please?"

Even though Loki doesn't understand what's happened I still want Tony to say good bye because Tony remember what the two of them have been through and the fun they've had.

Teen Tony sighed. "Alrigt I'll say by to the pooping machine," He told me and stalked off into the living room.

I looked at Steve and he looked back at me... He knew I was angry with him, well not angry but annoyed... Maybe after a few more tests Fury's team might be able to perfect the serum and change Tony and Loki back to their normal selves.

"I said bye," Tony stated as he walked back into the kitchen.

Steve nodded. "There's some SHEILD Agents outside, they'll take you back to the tower," He explained.

Tony nodded as we walked towards the door; I opened the door and let Tony out. Steve put his arm around my wait and kissed my temple... We looked like two parents waving their teenaged son off to college... Ha maybe in the distant future.

Tony... Please behave!

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