Halloween Party Part 2!

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"Mommy wook!" Loki said as he opened his bag of sweets.

"Oh wow look how much candy you got!" I told him.

Natasha smiled. "He's so sweet!" She stated. "I like him better this size!"

We shared a laugh as we headed back towards the house; We left most the men to take Tony to the other houses... Tony was going to be acting like a complete diva!

I smiled as Loki would skip up and down the street asking for candy; He was so happy and cheerful!

Since Loki was brought here with Thor he had been upset and miserable but now, this small child was smiling, laughing and being his cheeky self. Apart of me didn't want to turn Loki back into an adult but it would be the right thing to do.

After we finished trick or treating Loki was tried and I had to carry the little prince home... And I was in shock to find the grown men wrestling on the front yard!

"I AM MIGHTY !" Thor boomed and dived at Clint.

"I HAVE BETTER AIM!" Clint cried as he tried to wrestle the god.

Steve was pinching the ridge of his nose. "Guys stop it!" He told them. "TONY BECAREFUL!"

I watched as Tony was trying to throw Steve's shield in the air much like he does when we're in battle... Oh god!

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I shouted making everyone stop what they were doing.

All eyes were on me. "Hey," They all greeted awkwardly.

I look at Steve who just stood there like he didn't even understand what was going on, like come on an assassin and a God are wrestling on my front lawn... WHAT THE HELL?

"Thea why did Pepper leave me?" Tony asked.

I looked down at Tony. "What did you say?" I asked.

Tony sniffled a little. "Why did Pepper leave me?" He asked me.

I looked at Steve who was now knelt down next to Tony. "You remember Pepper?" Steve asked softly.

The little iron man frowned. "Of course I remember Pepper we were dating!" Tony told us.

"Why don't we go inside and sort this out?" Natasha suggested then looked at Thor and Clint. "I can give these two more candy to shut them up, acting like damn kids!"

Steve took Tony's hand and led him up to his and Loki's room; I carried Loki into the living room and lay him on the couch with Maria and Sam while Nat, Rhodey, Clint and Thor were sorting out candy.

Sam lay a blanket over Loki's small body. "We'll watch him while you sort Tony out," He told me.

I smiled thankfully. "We won't be long," I told him.

I headed upstairs and into the boys bedroom. I opened the door and say Tony perched on the end of his head and Steve sat on the floor in front of him, I sat next to Steve and looked at Tony.

"I remember what happened," Tony spoke up. "Thea I did this to me and Loki, I made us children when me and Pepper broke up. It was an accident Thea I swear I didn't mean it!"

I held Tony's little hands. "Shush, it's okay Tony we know it was an accident," I told him.

"When did you remember?" Steve asked softly.

Tony sniffled. "When I was fighting in my costume," He told me. "All my memories came back I just acted like a kid so I could get candy and money."

I couldn't help but smile; That sounded like adult Tony alright. "What do we do?" Steve asked me.

I sighed and shrugged. "I don't know, this is crazy," I stated sadly.

Tony hummed. "Can I have a drink cold alcoholic drink while we threw water balloons at you?" He asked sweetly.

"NO!" Steve and I said very loudly.

I watched as tiny Tony huffed and slumped on the bed. "Not fair," He growled.

We so had our hands full with this tiny adult... I now I have to hide everything so he doesn't blow the place up.

"THEA THE BOYS WIN!" Nat shouted up the stairs.

Steve smiled. "Prepare to get water bombed!" He told me.

Oh my God!

So off into the back yard Maria, Natasha and I went into the back garden with Loki awaiting for water bombs... The four of us stood in a line while the boys lined the balloons up on the table which Tony was stood on looking very proud!

"Stay still ladies this won't hurt a bit!" Sam told us.

"SHUTUP!" We all say in sync as we prepare ourselves...

"THREE, TWO, ONE!" The boys shouted and with in seconds we were covered in cold water.

Screams of laughter filled the air as we ran at the boys and tried to hug them making everyone be covered in water... What a Halloween night!

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