No more babies!

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An hour later Thea, the boys and myself were now back at home in the living room.

Tony was still a little shaken from what happened with Pepper, he doesn't really like it if me and Thea aren't in the same room as him; He's been pretty clingy but it was expected. As for Loki he's just the same little toddler running around and being cute... Yes I did just call Loki cute, I can't help it, a part of me just thinks he's adorable and innocent!

Thea and I were currently cuddling on the couch watching a James Bond movie; We had seen this one before and it was one of my favourites. Thea was more or less sitting on my lap, my hand was resting on her knee and my other arm was around her shoulders; I loved spending my afternoons like this with her, just relaxing and not running around the world risking our lives.

"I hope the boys are okay," Thea mumbled.

I gently rubbed my thumb against her knee. "They're still asleep," I told her softly.

As soon as we got home we decided to put the boys to bed to try and relax them, it took a good while but we got there in the end. They had been asleep for about half an hour now.

Thea sighed. "You're so good with them," She told me. "I know you and Tony don't see eye to eye all the time and Loki used to be a pain in the ass but you pushed that aside and you decided to help them."

A smile appeared on my face; What Thea said about me, Tony and Loki was true and I guess as their friend I couldn't just leave them to go to someone else and I know Thea, she's just as kind and caring as I can be!

I pressed my lips to her head. "You'd make a great Mom, Loki's taken a shine to you," I told her.

I watched as her cheeks went pink. "Thank you," She told me. "You'd make a great Dad you know, you're so caring and an amazing role model."

"Steve, Thea, where are you?" Tony's little voice asked through the baby monitor.

Thea and I shared a smile. "We're down stairs Tony," I told him through the monitor. "Try not to wake Loki!"

Suddenly little foot steps ran from above us, down the stairs, down the hall and into the living room. Tony jumped on the couch in between me an Thea.

"Did you sleep okay?" Thea asked him.

Tony nodded. "I listened to you two talking, do you want to have a baby?" He asked us.

I looked at Thea and she looked at me. "One day maybe," Thea told him. "We're not ready yet, we may get married before we have a baby."

I smiled at Thea; I wondered if she had ever thought about our future?

Tony looked down. "What about me and Loki?" He asked. "Well we can get rid of Loki!"

"Tony we're not going to have a baby any time soon, babies are a lot of work," I explained. "Thea and I have pretty big jobs right now."

"And as for you and Loki nothing is going to happen," Thea told him and kissed his cheek. "No babies are coming so you and Loki are staying with us!"

Tony nodded. "Where do babies come from?" He asked us.

My face went warm, I looked at Thea who was just smiling. "Well you see Tony, only adults who really want a baby can know that secret," She told him.

Tony pouted. "But want to know!" He told her.

I chuckled softly. "Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"So when the mail man brings it I know the address to send it back!" He explained.

Thea and I laughed hugging Tony; This kid... I wished I had CCTV in this place for when he turned into his normal self!

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