Dresses and Baby suits

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Today me and Steve were getting things ready for our wedding; A lot of things had to change due to the circumstances... Originally Tony was supposed to walk me down the aisle, my Dad was an MI6 agent and he sadly died when I was seventeen years old and since then Tony had looked out for me, he and my Dad knew each other really well so Tony was kind of like my big brother and now because he's four it'll be weird but I still want him to walk me down t he aisle.

I lay on my side wide awake in bed blowing cold air on Steve's face making him wriggle around and grunt. When we first got together I used to do this all the time to wake him up, it annoys him but he looked cute when he scrunches up his face.

Steve opened his eyes and huffed when he saw what I was doing. "Thea, stop it!" He mumbled and closed his eyes. "You'll regret it!"

I giggled softly and carried on. "I don't believe you," I whispered.

Steve opened one eye. "Are you really challenging me?" He asked.

I smirked. "You don't scare me Captain Rogers," I told him and carried on blowing air in his face.

Suddenly Steve grabbed my waist and started tickling me, I was laughing and trying to tickle him back, we were rolling around the bed like idiot but the tickling then turned into a wrestling match because why the hell not! I shoved Steve onto the floor and grabbed a pillow, I wacked him over the head then he grabbed another pillow then hit me with it. I ran out the bedroom, down the hall, down the stairs and into the living room, I dived behind the couch and clung to the pillow... Wait for it...

"Oh Thea?" I heard Steve call.

I held my giggle in then dived over the couch and tackled Steve to the ground. "SURPRISE!" I shouted.

Steve laughed and hugged me tightly. "I love you!" He told me and kissed the top of my head.

I giggled and kissed his chin. "I love you too!" I told him. "I can't wait for later!"

Steve smiled. "Me neither," He told me. "I hope you find the dress you want, you know I'll love you in anything and everything!"

I blushed. "I'm so lucky to have you!" I giggled and kissed his lips softly.

"Did you guys sleep on the floor?" Tony asked as he walked into the living room in his PJs.

Steve and I both got up off the floor. "Sorry Tony we were being silly," I told him as I ruffled his hair.

Tony yawned softly and hugged my waist; I loved this kid!

Steve went into the kitchen and got started on breakfast with a little help from Tony... Sort of. The four year old was running around and eating the nutella. I went upstairs to check on Loki, I opened the bedroom door and saw the little Prince lying in his crib wrapped in his blue blanket and sucking on his favourite green binky!

I gently rubbed Loki's back. "Wake up little guy," I said softly then gently patted his back.

Loki wriggled a little as I then started to tickle his nose, his little hands rubbed his face and his little eyes opened. I loved his green eyes!

"Well hello," I greeted softly.

The toddler put his arms in the air and smiled, I picked him up and sat him on my hip letting him rest his head on my shoulder. Loki's little hand went to the ends of my hair and started to play with it, he smiled as he watched my hair tickle his fingers.

I carried Loki down stairs and into the kitchen where Steve and Tony had made pancakes covered in nutella!


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