Pillow Fort!

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"THEA?" Steve called from the front door.

I carried Tony to the front door and saw the hall was full of boxes... WOW!

"Who's moving in?" I joked as Steve carried another box in.

Tony wriggled in my arms and I placed him on his feet letting him run around and look in the boxes. Loki walked in and began looking as well... I was hoping they wouldn't start an argument.

Steve huffed. "Who knew two kids needed so much stuff," He mumbled. "I spoke with Fury he said tests showed that Tony is around four and Loki around two."

I nodded. "Great so Loki has little clothes and Tony has bigger ones!" I stated and Steve chuckled softly.

For around half an hour Steve and I sat cross legged on the floor sorting the boxes out and assembling a bed and a crib; Which was very stress full!

I was going up and down stairs trying to put things away but Tony and Loki kept getting all the toys out the boxes. Loki had found some binkies and claimed them as his which didn't bother Tony, he was happy playing with the lego bricks trying to build a tower.

"That was stressful," Steve mumbled and pulled me close.

I folded the last piece of clothing. "I know," I mumbled and kissed his jaw.

Steve and I watched Tony build his tower and Loki... Well he was sitting in a box.

"What'cha looking for Loki?" Steve asked with a little smile on his lips.

Loki popped is head out and looked at us, he smiled with his little binky in his mouth. "Boc- boc," He mumbled.

Steve and I frowned. "A what?" We asked.

Loki held up a blue baby bottle. OH!

"That's for babies!" Tony stated.

This tower was now huge, it was like a mini lego version of the Empire State building, it was the same height as Tony!

"That's impressive!" I stated.

Tony grinned. "It's okay Thea, I know!" He stated proudly then looked at Loki. "Why does he have a binky, only babies have them?"

"He's only little Tony," Steve told him. "If he wants a binky then let him have one."

Tony huffed and continued to build his tower. I glanced at the clock and saw it was 11:00am.

"Why don't you get my laptop and do some research about two year olds and four year olds while I get them into the living room to watch a film?" I suggested.

Steve nodded. "Okay," He told me and kissed my head.

Not long after Steve and I met I showed him how to use computers and laptops; He's still learning and will sometimes ask me for help and his confused face is so funny!

We both got up. "Okay boys shall we watch a movie?" I asked them.

"I don't wanna watch a girly one!" Tony stated as he looked at me.

I picked Loki up along with his bottle. "Okay, how about we watch the smurfs?" I asked and led them into the living room.

I sat the boys on the sofa and set up the DVD player.

"Te-a sit," Loki spoke up.

I smiled and sat in the middle of the boys, they both snuggled into my sides and I pressed play on the remote. The movie began to play and Steve walked in frowning at the laptop, I laughed lightly as he sat in front of me cross legged.

"What have you done?" I teased and rubbed my foot over his knee.

"I haven't done anything, I'm reading!" He told me.

"What's it say?" I asked.

"Er well, is Loki in a diaper?" Steve asked.

I shrugged and lifted Loki's shirt a little and saw the top of a diaper. "Yes he is," I told him. "I'm guessing we have to change him?"

Steve nodded. "Yep," He told me. "And he has to nap after lunch, as for Tony we just have to make sure he doesn't destroy the place or kill Loki."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay this should be easy," I mumbled.

Oh boy I was wrong!

No less than an hour later, Tony and Loki were at each others throats. Loki is only little and doesn't understand what sharing is so Tony got very angry, very quickly when Loki wouldn't share the toys. As Steve and I were trying to prepare lunch the boys were trying to stab each other with the plastic forks, and were running around the table.

"OKAY!" I raised my voice making both boys stop dead in their tracks.

I picked Tony up and sat him one end of the table, then I sat Loki at the other. Steve put their sandwiches on the table with some bits of apple and Pringles. The boys tucked into their food and they were quiet... Maybe we should just feed them all the time?

As the boys ate I could see Loki's eyes slowly starting to close, Steve and I watched as he struggled to keep them open. I warmed some carton milk up and put it in Loki's bottle that he found earlier, I tested the temperature; OKAY!

I picked Loki up and carried him to the spare room that was now his and Tony's room. I gave Loki his bottle and watched him gently drink the milk; It was really cute, as I rocked him he drank his milk and played with the ends of my hair like it calmed it. Within minutes Little Loki was fast asleep in my arms, I placed his bottle on the side and lay him in the crib, I popped his binky in his mouth and covered him with a green blanket.

I switched the little baby monitor on and left the room. I went back down stairs and into the living room where Steve was rocking a sniffling Tony?

"What happened?" I asked as I went over to the duo.

Steve turned to look at me. "He slipped on the tiles and fell over," He explained.

"Aw Tony, you have to be careful," I told him and rubbed the back of his head.

Tony held Steve tightly as he sniffled; It was strange seeing Steve hold a child (especially tony), he looked so comfortable.

"Come on how about we build another tower?" Steve suggested. "We can make a little fort?"

Tony turned his head so he was looking at Steve. "I used all the lego on my big tower, can we make a pillow fort?" He asked. "Please?"

Steve smiled. "Of course!" He told him.

I went upstairs and grabbed the covers off the bed, the pillows and some extra blankets then headed down stairs where Steve and Tony had made a tent with the couch, arm chair and a load of towels. We put all the bedding and pillows inside then we got comfy.

Tony was sat in between us bouncing with excitement. It was to strange to see Tony as a child and so happy!

"Can we sleep here tonight?" Tony asked.

"Not tonight buddy, maybe another time," Steve told him.

Tony sighed sadly. "But why?" He asked then looked at me. "Thea please!"

I shook my head. "The man of the house has spoken," I told him softly.

Tony pouted and curled up against me. I gently rubbed circles on his back trying to comfort him.

"I know Steve's a meanie," I teased.

Steve rolled his eyes. "You're the mean one!" He stated.

I laughed softly then sat Tony on my lap. "Where's Loki?" Tony asked. "The drooling has stopped!"

I narrowed my eyes at the little boy. "Okay mister don't say that about Loki!" I told him sternly. "He's asleep right now."

Tony huffed. "And I thought he was gone for good," He mumbled.

Steve and I shared an annoyed look... I can't wait for this one to go to sleep!

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