To the sea! Pt2

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Steve's POV

"Tony get Loki out of that hole!" I told Tony making him stop filling the hole full of sand.

Tony had built a large sand castle, it was very impressive but then he decided to make a dungeon... And put Loki in it!

I grabbed Loki's hands and pulled him out the hole then sat him in my lap, I ruffled his black hair getting all the sand out of it. I looked up and saw Tony pouting; Tony Stark is very cute, I'm not going to lie!

"Come on Tony let's go in the sea!" Thea told him as she stood up.

Tony jumped up and held her hand. "Come on Steve!" Tony told me.

"Come on!" Thea told me with a smile.

I stood up with Loki on my hip; I had to be careful not to squish him, he was so light. Thea and I walked hand in hand to the sea, Tony was jumping in the sand next to Thea as we walked and Loki clung to my upper body.

Tony was straight in the water, his little arm bands kept him a float. Thea followed him in till the water was to her chest, I slowly started to walk into the water but Loki started to panic and clung to my neck.

"Hey it's okay," I told him softly. "You've got your life jacket on, you'll be okay."

Loki looked up at me with fear in his little green eyes. "No down!" He told me.

I smiled softly. "I won't drop you, I've got you don't worry," I told him and carried on walking.

"Look over here Loki!" Thea told him. "It's okay!"

Loki smiled at Thea as we got closer, his little feet touched the cold water and he giggled. We stood next to Thea and she placed a soft kiss to his forehead.

I smiled as I watched tony float around. "STEVE THROW ME!" He told me as he slowly swam towards me.

I chuckled. "You want me to throw you?" I asked.

"YEAH!" He told me.

When Tony got to me he tried to climb up my body, I handed Loki to Thea then picked Tony up by his waist then threw him backwards making him land in water. Thea and I laughed at Tony's surprised face, the little guy kicked his legs and swam back to me.

"Again, again!" Tony told me. "PLEASE!"

I picked Tony up by the waist again but this time I threw him over my head, all I heard was a shriek and a loud splash.

"You are going to be doing that all day!" Thea told me and she lowered Loki into the water a little.

I felt little hands on my shoulders, I grabbed Tony's hands and pulled him up so he stood on my shoulders, I put my hands on his ankles and lifted him up as he fell forward a I pushed his legs making him do a front flip.

This was so much fun!

I actually never thought little kids could be so much fun, yeah they could be hard work and the fights were a pain but seeing them smile and laugh was a great reward!

"You having fun Tony?" Thea asked him.

Tony nodded and climbed my body so he sat on my hip. "I like that Steve's really strong, he's really fun when he's not being moody!" He told her.

"Excuse me Anthony, less cheek!" I told him.

Tony giggled and hugged my neck. "Hey when we get home shall we order Pizza?" Thea suggested.

"YEAH!" Tony and Loki cheered.

I gently pressed my lips to Thea's; I loved this girl so much, we made a perfect team!

Double Trouble!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ