It breaks my heart more as I saw his emotional faces. But he didn't stop me from leaving which make me quite sad but relief in the time.

I walk to the school gate.

As I was out from the school the tears falling crazily and I stomped my leg hard.

I run hoping that no one notice me.

Typical Ana. Huh?


I walk in my bedroom. Mom is not home, she was visiting our aunts in Busan. So I was alone.

I lay on my bed and stares at the white ceiling.

"I'm sorry Sehun. I don't think we can be friends anymore. I just found out that I don't like you."

The words keep hunting in my head.

I feel my warm tears falling again. I hide my face behind my hand and crying like a lost child.

What have I done?

I love him.

But I couldn't be more selfish to ignore the threatening text I just received before.

I was in a mess the thought of avoiding Sehun is just too much.

Suddenly my phone rang and pick it up looking at the caller ID.


I swipe the green button and sit straight. I wipe my tears, trying to sound normal as always.

"It's Ana. What's up Nia?"

"Whats wrong with you? Please tell me this guy is lying, they're talking about how you bluntly reject Sehun confession and tell him that you don't like him."


"Hey I'm fucking serious someone is playing with our beloved maknae and I couldn't let that happen." I heard Suho voice from a far. He sounds like he almost explode.

My heart breaks into pieces as I heard his angry voice. Suho was very kind towards me indeed he was like a brother. But he seems to hate me now, and I would never blame him. I was aware of how deep he cares about his friend especially Sehun.

"I'm fucking sure Ana would never do that. She loves Sehun and I know that she was far from hurting him." Nia voice was angry.

"Calm down hyung. We're not going to settle anything if we keep shouting at each other like this. Just listen for Ana explanation first, don't jump to conclusion yet." D.O voice out with his calm voice.

Nia scoff.

"You heard it well Ana. I believe you. .."

"No, he's right. I dumped Sehun because I found us couldn't go well with each other."

"What????" Nia was shouting as she misheard me somewhere.

"You're sick Ana. How would you come and treat him nicely then fucked off like that." I heard Chanyeol blurt.

"That crazy. ."


I catch a few voice of the guys before I end the call.

I couldn't stand the curse from the people I most care.

I throw myself on my bed.

No more tears left. I guess it's giving up since I was crying like who knows how many times today.

I look up at the clock and it's almost the end of the school session.

I close my eyes trying to fall asleep. A few minutes later, I drift into a deep sleep.


I woke up to the sound of loud bang at my front door. I stir a bit and glance at the clock.

Woahh I've been sleeping for the rest of the day.

I put my hair in a pony tail and walk my way to the front door.

I push the doorknob open.

Minho was smiling like a five years old child.

"Yahh what are you doing here? It's almost midnight."

"Well nothing important. I just want to play some fun."

With that someone close my mouth from behind and the thick smell slowly made his work.

I was trembling in fear as the thought of the one who actually pull that scary prank was Minho.

The darkness surrounded me as my vision became blurry. I don't have the urge to fought back.

There's nothing left for me. The guys and my only best friend hate me.

Again I was met with the endless of darkness as it was very significant with my miserable life now.

Darkness huh?



It's been a long time since I've updated this story. I'm sorry for the lack of my discipline and commitment. I will try harder.

Btw guys this story is almost done. Maybe there will be about ten chapter left.

Please give me your support and if any of you has suggestions about the ending I will very appreciate it.💕

One more thing.. tomorrow is a our first day of Ramadhan. Happy fasting to all my Muslim readers. (This sounds weird but it's okay ignore that).😂😂

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