Chapter 55

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Here's the next chapter! :D I hope you guys like it and please vote and comment as usual to identify yourselves to me for the dedications! :D This book is a really long one, but it will be done soon and we'll go on to Book 4! :D I hope you guys really like this chapter and thanks for sticking with me this entire time. ;) Picture of Luna on the side. ;) 

Chapter 55

                Luna left the king’s quarters and slowly used her anti-gravity powers to send herself back to her room. She didn’t want to stand out any more than she already did; yes, her cover had been well and truly blown, but she didn’t want to rub it in their faces. After all, maybe her three friends might still trust her. Even if it was only a little.

                However, her plan of hiding in her room was foiled by Solar, Ray and Pearl who were waiting outside her room. She cringed, wondering if she could go elsewhere and just hide from facing them, but she realized that if she wanted to make amends for lying to them, it was better that she did it now rather than later for they would realize that she was guilty.

                Taking a rather shaky and deep breath, Luna moved closer towards them until they noticed her presence. Solar’s head snapped up and he stared at her accusingly. Ray looked torn but Pearl looked emotionless, rather like she didn’t care. Luna wasn’t sure which face was the worst to look at.

                “What’s going on, Luna?” Solar asked immediately, his tone accusing. “Moon Children are talking about how you are a magician and a spy. Is it true?”

                Luna had predicted that they would be there but she had no response or defence to their questions. She flinched at the hardness in Solar’s voice. His accusation had its merit, but she feared that if they thought that she was guilty, what would the other Moon Children think?

                “We trust you, Luna,” Pearl said, gently.

                Luna took a deep breath. “Yes. I’m a magician. But I’m not a spy! I am here on behalf of the magicians, and I … well.”

                “So you were just pretending to be our friend,” Ray snapped.

“No,” Luna said, firmly. “I am your friend.”

                “Why didn’t you tell us?” Solar demanded.

                “Because I was afraid that you would judge me!” Luna cried. “Which is exactly what you’re doing!”

                Pearl frowned at the two male Moon Children. “Solar, you and Ray judged me too when I told you about Selene being my grandfather. And yet, you understand why I had concealed the truth from you and you forgave me for lying to you.”

                “You didn’t lie to us,” Ray objected. “You just refrained from telling the truth.”

                “And that’s what Luna was doing,” Pearl replied. “She didn’t tell us the whole truth about her magician heritage because she knew that we would judge her. It’s the same thing for me not wanting to admit that Selene is my grandfather. I had my reasons and so does she. Seeing as you forgave me, it stands to reason that you should forgive her.”

                “There’s a big difference between being Selene’s granddaughter and being a magician!” Solar protested, but Luna could sense that he was weakening.

                “How so?” Pearl challenged. “You told me that you forgave me and accepted me as myself because the sins of my grandfather are not mine. Just because magicians have harmed us in the past does not mean that Luna herself is hostile.”

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