Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

                “Is the spirit within Yasmine there for control?” Rachel asked as they entered the next room. “Or is it merely there to talk to us?”

                Troy had never realized that that might be possible. He wondered vaguely if Kayla had ever thought of that herself. He turned to look at Rachel and Amos. Both of them were Magicians of Water and guided the trainees at the Elementary to learn how to control their magic.

                He didn’t know much about either of them. Rachel, he knew, was Dahlia’s mother, but how she and Dahlia’s father, Philip McLean, were on different sides in the war, he didn’t know. Amos, too, had siblings and a father on Varmer’s side in battle. Troy had fought with Alistair, Amos’s father and his twin sisters, Alyssa and Alyce, before. He also knew that Amos was immortal, like Kayla, but how he had come to be, Troy did not know.

                “I don’t know,” Kayla admitted. “I could try to talk to it before I banish it, but do you suppose it might try to possess one of us instead?”

                “It’s possible,” Amos agreed. “I suggest that you call it out of Yasmine’s body and see what it does before you banish it.”

                Kayla shrugged. “Are there any other suggestions?”

                Troy shook his head; he felt rather incompetent with magic and knowledge compared to the others; Amos and Kayla were both immortal and had been for over a hundred years while Rachel knew enough about magic to be a teacher.

                Kayla hesitated as she got to the bed before reaching tentatively for the sword, Excalibur, which hung at her hip.

                “Why do you use a sword, Kayla?” he asked. “I thought that swords are meant for Magicians of Fire. You should use a spear.”

                Kayla nodded. “You are right; swords are generally meant for Magicians of Fire. This sword, however, is a weapon intended for people who can control all the four elements, like Sebastian Merlin and King Arthur. However, other magicians can tolerate it for a while although if they use it too much, it absorbs their powers slowly, bit by bit. I only use it for my necromancy magic because a necromancer has used it in the past so the sword aids my weaker abilities. It makes it easier to do magic.”

                “Some magicians have a magical item like that,” Rachel continued. “Sometimes it does nothing but give the magician something to focus on.”

                Kayla softly drew the sword from its sheath, grasping the handle of the blade with one hand. She hesitated, holding the weapon above Yasmine’s body. Slowly, she lowered it down to touch her chest. And with that, Kayla began to chant in the ancient language, calling forth the spirit that had possessed control of Yasmine’s body.

                “Hsiwer el khule, ikalui hsiwer, fhukiel vhi hsiv,” she intoned. (Spirit of the dead, shadow spirit, rise and come)

                Troy grimaced, closed his eyes and thought about his shadow. He was about to let his essence move into his shadow when Rachel gripped his arm with surprising strength, shocking him out of his state. He jerked his head to look at her.

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