1 • the Academy

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The recruits chatted amongst each other in the bus ride. Well, it isn't a bus ride. It's more of a military version of it where people are sitting close to each other, their bubble space or personal space are out of the window. Everyone had made their own friends and are excited about meeting Autobots and Optimus Prime himself.

Everyone, except you. You already met them when you was a little girl. Your father worked as a hacker while your mother was a Spy. Both jobs were dangerous when it comes to raise a child. Your father was the mom type while your mother, she always worried you to death whenever she came home with bruises. Some days when she was scot free from any injuries. Your parents adored you and you were their pride and joy.

Bumblebee and a few Autobots had met you. They immediately took a liking to your young self. Half of them really like to babysit you while the other half was busy with their own mission. Prime had a soft spot for you, since your father saved their asses. A lot of time. Or maybe it was how you help around the base.

Maybe, your mind mused at it drifted away from the conversation that the recruits are having. Your head was in the clouds of music, giving you a peace for yourself. Not that you care for they say about. You felt a small tap onto your right shoulder. You took out the headphones and let it rest around your neck before looking to the right to see who disturb your inner peace. "Yes?"

A girl, auburn hair with freckles, hazel eyes that was covered by glasses with thick black rims. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail which was resting on your left shoulder. "I'm Marie Ann." She gave you an awkward smile.

"(Name)." You really want to head back to listen to your tunes and if you do, Marie will pester you. Will she? "What is it?"

"Um, I'm new here." Just like everyone else. "What do you think we do when we reach the base?" She was curious, you can tell by her tone. Her body language was uncomfortable with the majority of men and she seek solace from you because only a few, three or four ladies. Including you and her.

"I think, our instructor will greet us with some rude tone, asking everyone to fear them or respect them. Then, give us a long set of rules to live by. Showing us where our bunks at." You list out. Marie was nodding her head as her eyes and ears were listening intently to you. "Once we'll settle down, everyone will be sorted to different instructor due to their abilities and skills in the field."

"Of course, it will be gruelling in the morning when one of them wakes us up with some roll call. More exercise, bath, food then training." You summed up what you think. Everyone mindset was different than yours. You silently thanked your mother for teaching her all her intellect to you.

"I see," Marie combed her hair. Her eyes looked up, a silent thank you was given to you. You didn't bother to open your mouth when you heard the ruckus had increased.

"It's the Academy!" Someone shout. Everyone averted their heads to the base. The trees was blocking their sight but after a few more had passed by, the base has revealed itself to them. Buildings were left and right. A few was connected, vehicles was nowhere to be seen. The area was huge with its fields and tracks. Everyone was in awe when the bus rode in. The security guard gave them a nod. A short and small nod.

Soon, everyone went out from the bus and line up in front of the bus. You took your time to get out. The instructors was no other than your old pals. Optimus Prime greeted them. A few more bus came in and dropped off their passengers. You lost count how many recruits.

Jazz entered the fray and asked everyone to follow him, to the Assembly Hall where the rest of the Autobots could introduce themselves and tell them what are they gonna instruct them to do. So, the rest followed him. Marie was in it, with the rest of them, mixed with the crowd.

"You took your time," A redhead greeted you. His outfit was screaming red, red and more red. He offered his hand to you and you accepted it. "Finally, I meet the beauty." He then placed a kiss onto your knuckles.

"Ever the charmer, Dino." Another man stepped in. His hair was black but there were a few grey strands was sticking out. He wore a black top, his grey jacket was wrapped around his waist, with his dark grey pants and black boots.

"I'm giving her a 'welcome home greeting'," Dino scoffed. "Where is your greeting, Sideswipe?"

Sideswipe open his arms, asking (Name) to hug him.

"She won't fall for your tricks-" Dino was proven wrong when you gave Sideswipe a hug. Sideswipe smugly grinned in triumph.

You leaned back, taking a full look of him. He changed. "You look different." You smiled at him. His response was a simple shrug. You took a step back from the hug.

A yellow blur had passed by you. Bumblebee? Immediately, you open your mouth to get this attention. "Bumblebee!" And you did. The young man halted in his run and his face exploded into a smile.

Excitedly, he started to sign. "It's been a long time, (Name)! Oh and Optimus needs everyone to be in the hall. I'll send her to her room."

Sideswipe and Dino groaned in unison. Both of them walked to the direction of the hall, dragging their feet.

You signed back. "Yes, it's been a long time, Bee." Proud of the young Scout that he was his bubbly self. The walk between the both of you was a joyful walk. Bumblebee was telling stories of the base, the latest members and how the old members missed you.

You thanked Bumblebee when he escort you to your room. Since your father was hacker, a genius one in his olden days. Your room was actually your father's old room. You studied his room, slowly and remembering how busy he was when your mother brought you here. It gives you some old memories and you treasure them with care.

A letter was hidden underneath the desk. Confused, your father always tidy his desk when he need to decipher a code. You kneeled down and use your arm to stretch out and grab the letter. Once you got it, you decide to sit on the floor and open it. Wondering why the address was your old hometown and it didn't send to you.

The curiosity grows deeper when you studied the back of the letter. It had a few blood that was splattered. With one fluid motion, you ripped the edges of the letter off and took its contents out.

A folded paper was its only contents. You unfold it and read it.

It gives you the answer you need when your parents went M.I.A after your fifteenth birthday but, one question popped up after finishing reading the paper.

Why they didn't tell you the truth?

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