"Huh, Edgar didn't look half bad. How'd you meet these guys?"

"Edgar! How could you think he's attractive? And I just walked into their shop one day when I was still new here. They're descent guys; they're just really really really into vampire hunting."

"You've just downgraded his hotness. I love vampires. But don't worry, I still find him slightly attractive." Veronica laughed when Sam looked at her with a sickened expression. She shrugged, "It's a girl thing."

"I'm still at the stage where girl are weird and have cooties, don't give me actual facts that support my theory."

"We don't have cooties," she seductively responded, walking closer to him. "We have flesh eating bacteria that thrive on boy brains!" She gave an evil cackle as she messed Sam's hair and took off running toward the Ferris wheel.

"Hey wait up! I can't lose you, everyone will kill me!" Sam fixed his hair then took off running after her.


"Hey boys, do you smell that?" David hissed as the gang came to a rolling stop.

"All I got is corndogs and a sweaty guy," Paul answered.

"No, past all that; follow the wind."

"I'd really rather not," Marko stated as he eyed a pretty little blonde running into a designer shirt store.

"It's that girl; the one who Michael's little twerp of a brother has a crush on." Dwayne said after testing the breeze.

"Very nice Dwayne. Let's go find her," David grinned as the bikes took off, rattling the nearby store windows. Marko sighed and joined the rest of the gang.


Veronica came to a stop half-way to the ride, because on a nearby pole she spotted a band flyer.

"What's up?" Sam asked trying to catch his breath.

"Faster Pussycat is playing on the beach next weekend! Oh man, I love them!"

"Really? I've never even heard of them before."

Veronica started jumping up and down, "I'm so coming to the concert with my mom. It's the one band she can somewhat stand! I just really hope Kirby's not going to be in town that day." She stopped jumping and grew downhearted thinking about him. "He would be a total buzz kill to a perfect evening. All he'd do is complain, because he likes country."

Sam gave a shutter, "Ew, who listens to that stuff?"

"I don't know, whenever I listen to country it makes me want to sit in a rocking chair eating watermelon, and then spit the seeds into a tin can. I hate that feeling."

Sam laughed, "I know how you feel. It makes me want to lose a front tooth and start walking everywhere barefoot wearing only blue jean overalls."

"Well now, we wouldn't want that. You're ugly enough as it is." David mocked as he came up out of nowhere and pushed Sam aside. "So you like Faster Pussycat, Veronica?"

When he said her name an excited shiver went down her spine. "Yeah," she weakly replied. "You've heard of them?"

"Uh, they're like our second favorite band," Paul proclaimed as he sashayed up next to David. The other two were not far behind.

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