The Pillage

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(A/N) This does contain sort of a lemon, but hey... it's fluff, don't hate <3 -Luna

(Luna's POV)

  We walked out of the door. Jonathan I've known since second grade, he was practically my brother. Sylvester I had known since the beginning of middle school, but I still love her. As I was showing the two some stuff about my part of town on the way to our the store, we were going to pillage. I noticed a small convenient store, it was called 'Dollar General'. I knew that not a lot of people went to it, or even really knew about it at all, because in all honesty it was a dying store. There was good food in there, activity books, and lots of candy.

  I quickly ushered me and my friends into the store. We busted through the closed doors. Since as I said earlier, it was a dying store, it was already closing down. We looked through the dark area. We looked at one another as we grinned and started heading up and down the aisles, filling our bags with Ravioli, Corn, Beans, Pineapples, Peaches, other fruits, ect. I caught Sylvester shoving childrens coloring books into her bag. We filled the spaces of the cans with marshmallows so it doesn't make a lot of noise when we're moving back to the house. As we were going to the back to get boxes full of water supplements. Things were already looking good. As I looked back at Sylvester and Jonathan I whispered, "Thanks for coming guys, I think we'll survive a while with all of this." I smiled gently. Sylvester looked at me with a loving gaze and said, "It's no problem Luna, we will always be here for you." My gaze was at the ground as we walked towards the front doors. I nearly peed my pants when I heard a loud crack.

  When I looked up, I was horrified... there, a few feet infront of us, sat one of the monsters. It had messy purple fur. It looked somewhat like a werewolf mixed with a reptile or something, it was so complex to explain, it's sharp bloody fangs were sticking out. It soon turned it's bloody muzzle our way and looked at us dead in the eyes. It's piercing pale yellow orbs seemed to glow in the dim, flickering lighting. I looked at it utter horror, completely terrified. I got up on it's hind legs, standing about 8 feet tall. It growled lowly at us as I whispered, "Run.." I dropped my bag as Jonathan caught it from behind me, and I heard the patter of their feet get distant from me, probably running to the emergency exit.

  It snarled at me, obviously hating my presence. I glared back at it, looking at the iron piping next to me. Before it could run at me with its full force, I put my leg on the wall and tried at least a few hard tries before I was able to grab a piece of the pipe line. I knew how to use Bo Staves.. sort of so this should be rather easy for me. It charged at me, I dodged to the left, flipping the pipe to hit the thing right on it's muzzle, it got me slightly on my upper abdomen. Lifting it's head up to howl in pain, I saw a patch of pink flesh sticking out, some blood seeping out, it looked rather gooey... unlike human blood. I was so distracted that it hit me in the side. I flew to the wall, hitting my shoulder hard, I heard what sounded like a snap and I screamed in pain. I growled deeply as I rubbed my shoulder. Getting very angry now, I slowly got up, holding my limp shoulder. I could tell my eyes were blazing a bright ocean blue, they tended to do whenever I got angry or upset in general. I charged at the beast, holding my pipe low, ducking under it's grasping arm that urged to hit me again. I go under it's legs, ending out behind it and turning around. I hit it straight in the small of it's large back, hearing a satisfying crinkle of it's soft spine wither away. I was shaking so much at this.

  It fell onto it's deer like legs and strong wolf-like front paws. I gulped, my eyes probably very constricted, they normally were like that when I was focused on a test. I aimed the pipe right onto the back of it's neck, pinning it down before bending the iron pipe. Good thing that iron was a very soft metal. I quickly pulled out my pocket knife from my bra. I straddled it's large neck, holding it's head with one hand, and searching for the hole in it's neck with my other hand. I found it and stuck my finger in it. I found out that was the weak spot and felt it's active heartbeat. I quickly moved my hand so my knife was in control now and jammed it straight into that spot, it howled like a dying dragon, which sounded like hell to my ears. It whimpered, wheezing, before it finally settled down. It had died. I had killed one of the bastards. I sat there panting, myself feeling shaky.

  I crawled off of it, backing away from the scene. Still shaking, my knife covered in it's sticky blood. I noticed that the blood wasn't a dark red, it was a dark green. My pocket knife slipped from my hand and I didn't bother to pick it up. I gagged slightly at the sight. Turning to go and run back to the house, bumping into someone, it felt like Jonathan. "Jon!" I looked up and smiled, which soon faltered as a guy with raven hair and brown eyes looked down upon me. I scrambled backwards in slight fear. "Uh....." I was able to muster. He smirked, seeming amused at my confusion and horror. He slowly started to walk to me, grabbing my hips roughly to pull me inwards to him. I gasped in shock, tears threatening to shed from my eyes. I was okay with battling a werewolf monster, it wasn't like anything I wasn't used to (thanks to my VR headset). But the possibility of being raped... and NOW?! I wanted to die. I was saving myself for Nyquaryn, but I might get murdered before I can even get back to him.

  "Come here sweetheart, look at me with your pretty eyes." He grabbed my chin roughly and whispered in my ear, "You're as beautiful as Cinderella, mainly because I can see a dress coming off of you at midnight..." I blushed at least 50 shades of red at his comment, astonished. He pulled away from me to get a better look at me, eyeing me up and down. "I, umm, last I recall I wasn't Cinderella... and last I recall Cinderella didn't do this..." I said questionably, him having lust in his eyes at my strong accent. As he was distracted, I kneed him hard in his groin. He growled lowly in pain, grabbing his southerly area and called me a 'bitch' under his breath. One of his friends (I suppose) walked in after recovered from the pain. I shook in more fear, the hair on my arms rising. "If you're going to rape me, please just do it... If you're going to fucking kill me, do it. I don't want to get false hope constantly..." I gulped. His friend gasped, looking shocked before looking at his friend. "CHRISTOPHER! I told you, not to try and seduce her, we don't need her being scared, my god. I give you one job and you fucking failed at the simplest task. 'Go retrieve the girl gently, don't scare her,'" He quoted.

  I tilted my head, running to the new guy angrily, still having a fairly strong grasp on my- my knife! I remembered that I dropped it earlier, and I ran back quickly to the shining metal and grabbed it sturdily. I backed away from them towards a faded 'EXIT' sign, the 'X' not having light in it. They both knew what I was doing, as they cornered me rather quickly. The other guy that wasn't Christopher had blue dyed hair with, I hate to admit it, lovely emerald green eyes. He grasped my body, pushing me against the wall, holding my arms above my head.

  He started to grind on my body lightly. I couldn't move, I was in shock. "I-I, uh," I started, but he cut me off by putting his soft index finger to my lips. "Shh, don't worry, you're gonna like this," He removed his finger and smashed his lips onto mine. My eyes widened at the sudden action, but he was a pretty damn good kisser. I didn't feel the nice butterflies in my stomach or feeling that there was no world around us like I felt around Nyquaryn. I pressed my lips back against his. Their grip on my wrists loosened, and I felt his free hand slip under the hem of my shirt.

Christopher came into the moment. He took my hands from the blue haired guy, shoving his face off of mine and pressing his lips against mine. He wasn't as good of a kisser as the other man, but I kissed passionately back anyways. Blue haired guy continued to move his hands upwards (under my shirt), which had tickled my skin and made my hairs rise. He grasped my right boob, squeezing it tight. I softly moaned through the make out session. He put his fingers under my bra, circulating my nipples roughly. His other hand slipped under my shirt, grabbing my other boob. A hand started to slip down my pants. I felt them stroke right below my underwear line, going further down.

This didn't feel right. What would Nyquaryn think of this? He wouldn't appreciate it at all, but I can't imagine how he would react to this. I contemplated about it as I let them grab my boobs. I felt Christopher's hand reach near my clit, and that's when I pushed them both off of me. I started panting, from trying to hold back my moans. I blushed gently at them as they pouted. "Thanks for that guys, it felt really nice." I smirked, puling myself away from the wall, my hair getting caught onto a nail that was sticking out, ripping some of my hair out. They both looked at one another and we all laughed. "Hey... wanna join our group..?" Christopher asked. I shook my head 'no'. "Too bad hun.." Smurf said. I was then knocked out with chloroform.

(A/N) Hello Derps! I uhh.. I'll be updating this story Sundays, Wednesdays, as well as Saturdays. If there is a day I have to go to therapy, I will put up an AN chapter. I have my plans already for the next few chapters, but I also have my lovely hun Nyquaryn editieidieideing. So, if I have a good idea while I'm thinking in class from earlier that day, I will update, and possibly not update the next day I am supposed to. But if I honestly feel like it I will. Bye little Derps. -Luna

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