Chapter 24 - Two days left

Start from the beginning

Once Jessica was finished changing into a more formal attire, her cell phone suddenly went off. She read the caller ID, having a small hope that it would be one of the boys or girls from the city, however she knew it was impossible as her number was different from the one she used while staying the in city. That explains why, no matter how many times Jonghyun or Minho calls, they would never get through. “Jessica ah.” It was her brother in law that had called. “Jaejoong oppa, Where are you?” Jessica asked, she thought he was somewhere in the mansion rather than outside. “I’m just.. Out.. But I called because.. Em.. Fany wants to talk to you!” Then some ruffling noises were heard. Jessica arched a brow at his weird behaviour.  “Unnie?” Jessica asked, seeing who was on the other line. “Heh, Um.. You know what? Yunho oppa actually wants to talk to you.” Tiffany laughed nervously. “You’re all together?” Jessica slightly pouted, but the phone had already been passed to Yunho. “Oppa, what’s going on?” Jessica asked, wanting an answer. “Well.. You see..” “Oppa, Shouldn’t you all be in the mansion now? Seungho’s family will be arriving soon and we’re having dinner with them.” Yunho then spoke after Jessica’s comment. “Jessica ah, Can I ask you a question?” By then, Jessica was more confused by their weird behaviour. “Do you still love Key?” Silence then occurred. On both lines, no one spoke. Jessica knew the answer, but the pain was still inside her. Causing her to hesitate to answer. “….Yes.” Her voice was almost like a whisper. “Why are you asking?” She asked. “Um, Jessica the reception isn’t really good. I’ll…” The line was then cut off. Jessica stared at the phone strangely. She then decided to ask them what was happening once they come back. Meanwhile, somewhere in the city; The royal siblings were all at Key’s condo. The conversation they had with Jessica was on speaker mode, therefore Key was listening carefully to Jessica’s words. He missed her voice dearly. “Now that we have confirmed that Jessica still loves you, Tomorrows plan will be a success.” Yunho smiled at Key. Key was delighted to hear that Jessica still loves him even after the misunderstanding, however he was still nervous and worried.

“Oppa, You chickened out!” Tiffany pouted as she playfully slapped Jaejoong’s arm. Jaejoong gave her a cute shrug and a small chuckle as he stretched the back of his neck. “Yeah, Then you gave the phone to me.” Yunho rolled his eyes at his younger sister. This time, Tiffany shrugged cutely. Key chuckled at the three. They seem serious and calm all the time when they’re on TV or at some royal event, however they were just normal people.

Later that evening, the royal siblings were all seated in the grand dining hall with Seungho’s family. Only his parents were present for the dinner. Seungho’s mother was pure Japanese while his father had a small percentage of having Korean blood in him. King Yang, of course knew Korean however Queen Yang only knew a small bit. “It’s a pleasure in finally meeting you princess Jessica.” Seungho’s father, King Yang smiled. Jessica politely returned back a small smile. “Nice to finally meet you too, King Yang and Queen Yang.” Jessica spoke, though it was a small lie. Dinner then began smoothly. King Jung and Queen Jung was smiling from ear to ear while talking to Seungho’s family. While the two Kings and Queen’s were talking happily among themselves, Jessica took the chance to whisper to Tiffany who was seated beside her. “Unnie, where were you earlier on?” Tiffany gave Jessica a smile. “Oh nothing special. We were just out.” Jessica pouted at her reply. Fortunately, the two parents were starting a conversation with Jessica therefore Jessica didn’t get a chance to ask Tiffany further more questions.  Seul gi and Yunho exchanged eye contacts, they both ate their food with big smiles on. “Tiffany darling, are you prepared to be the bridesmaid on the wedding? Did you rehearse for it?” Queen Jung asked Tiffany. Tiffany smiled brightly at her parents. “Of course I’m prepared. It’s my little sister’s wedding.” She lied, her cheerful voice caused no suspicion . The King and Queen nodded their heads with smiles on. “Princess Jessica, Seungho had requested if he could stay here after the wedding instead of you moving to Japan. We had agreed to the idea as you don’t know the language therefore it is better for Seungho and you to stay in Korea because Seungho can adapt to this lifestyle quicker.” King Yang suddenly said with a smile. Queen Yang remained quite yet polite. She would nod and smiles at time, thankfully Seungho was there to translate to her mother. “Also if our Seungho misbehaves then please feel free to inform us, we will gladly punish him and side with you.” King Yang spoke which caused everyone to chuckle. “I’m sure Seungho would be a good husband.” Jessica plastered on a smile.

During the dinner of both royalties, Jessica  was starting to get suspicious on the siblings actions. They were all exchanging eye contacts and having small giggles at times.  Not to mention their strong supportive blessings they all had said. Jessica thought it was strange for them to show so much support as she knew they all knew how she really felt. “What are they up to?” She mumbled to herself as she entered her bedroom after saying goodnight to King Yang and Queen Yang. Once she closed the door behind her, Jessica decided to take a refreshing bath to clear her mind up. Jessica stepped into her luxurious bathtub that was filled with warm water with rose petals in them. The maids had lit up the candles in the bathroom, making Jessica more relaxed. While playing with the bubbles, thoughts of Key began to appear in her mind. In two more days, she was going to marry to Seungho. She wondered how Key will feel. If Key still loves her. If Key still thinks about her.

She was still angry at him but she knew she was missing him more day by day. Sighing, Jessica pouted at the thought of Key. After several minutes, Jessica got up from her bathtub. She dried herself completely dry then changed into her comfortable pyjamas. She then walked back into her bedroom and crawled into her bed. She pulled up the duvet to her shoulder, gradually drifting off to sleep. Little did she know, something big was going to happen tomorrow. Bad or good, her life will be changed.

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