Chapter 23 - Training

Start from the beginning

Jessica was walking along the large hallway to the grand kitchen. After several seconds, she stepped onto the marble tiles and walked over to the silver sink. “Oh, Princess Jessica. You can give me those.” One of the chefs smiled politely at her, surprised to see Jessica holding onto dirty plates. “It’s okay, Chef Kim. I’m going to wash them now.” Jessica placed the two dishes into the sink. She then turned on the tap and started washing them with her bare hands. “Princess Jessica, You shouldn’t let your soft hands touch the soap water. Please, let me wash them.” The chef insisted, He felt guilty for letting one of the princess’s to wash the dishes. “It’s okay. I don’t care about getting my hands rough.” Jessica assured him. Three months ago, No one would ever expect that Princess Jessica would wash the dishes.

Once she was finished washing her dirty dishes, she walked out to the huge green garden to find Baby Bum. Baby Bum had her own house in the garden now. The house was a two story one, built with red bricks. It was the size of a normal shed. Inside was made out of woods but the floors were carpets. The wooden stairs inside were wider so it was easy for Baby Bum to go up and down.

“Baby Bum, Umma brought you some biscuits.” Jessica called out for her. Baby Bum was lying on the grass, beside her house. Jessica bent down as she fed Baby Bum a biscuit one at a time. Baby Bum barked happily at Jessica.

Jessica stroke Baby Bum’s back as she smiled upon seeing Baby Bum barking happily. “Baby Bum, do you miss appa?” Jessica spoke with a small frown. “Umma really miss him a lot.” She sighed. Baby Bum was the only thing that kept Jessica happy. It was the only source of happiness in her. Whenever Jessica looks at Baby Bum, it will remind her of the happy memories she had with Key. Though it was hurting her to think about Key, she still thought about him every single day.

Ever since she came back to the mansion, it was as if her princess pride wasn’t in her anymore.

“Princess Jessica.” Jessica stood up from the green grass to see who was calling her. “Prince Seungho, good evening.” She put down Baby Bum and bowed respectfully. Prince Seungho also did the same. “I am going to the city to run some errands. Would you like to come with me?”

Jessica slightly pouted. Deep down she wanted to go however, she knew the ‘errands’ Seungho had to do was probably boring. “I can bring you to the theme park after finishing my errands.” He smiled at her, knowing well that Jessica would want some free time to play. “But appa said..”

“I won’t tell King Jung.” He assured her. Jessica then gave him a smile. “Thanks.” Prince Seungho and Princess Jessica then left the mansion together. Watching from afar on the balcony, King Jung and Queen Jung watched as the two younger ones entered the limousine and left the mansion together.

“Don’t they look cute together?” Queen Jung was smiling from ear to ear. She was satisfied that the two young ones was spending time together. King Jung nodded in agreement.  “Sweetie, They will be a very happy couple.” Queen Jung said happily to the King. King Jung unknowingly had a small frown on. “But don’t you think Jessica seems awfully quite lately? Do you think she really wants to marry Prince Seungho?” King Jung asked with a slight concern shown in his voice. “But she agreed to the marriage without hesitations. Why would she not want to marry him now?” Queen Jung asked with curiosity and confusion.  King Jung shrugged his shoulders as he heaved out a heavy sigh. “Maybe she’s just nervous.” King Jung pointed out, assuring the queen and himself.

Meanwhile, Jessica and Seungho was located somewhere in the city, the place where Jessica once called Home. Seungho noticed the changed of expression she had. The light in her eyes expressed how much she had missed the city. While looking out the window, Jessica was confused why the limousine had parked in front of the Im’s restaurant. She didn’t know why but she felt nervous just being in front of the restaurant. Just that second, she saw Onew and Kyuhyun walking out of the restaurant with smiles on. Thankfully, the limousine’s windows were tinted therefore Onew and Kyuhyun had no idea who was inside. Jessica looked at the time on her watch. ‘Ah they must be on their break time now.’ She thought, remembering each person’s lunch break time.

“Why are we here? What errands do you need to run?” Jessica turned to ask Seungho. Seungho gave her a small smile. “I thought I’ll give an invitation to the Im’s family to our wedding. Since you know the Im’s daughter and she is a friend of both you and sister in law, Seul gi.” Jessica didn’t know what to say, she didn’t want to see Yoona after that incident, But Yoona was Seul gi’s friend so she didn’t want to be rude. After all, Yoona is her friend too. Well, was. “Do you want to come in with me?” Seungho offered, extending his hand out. Jessica was hesitating. She didn’t know if she was ready to meet them. Her friends. Seungho then patted her shoulder gently. “He has a day off today.” He assured her with a smile. “But.. I don’t think I’m ready to see them.” Jessica sighed as she lowered her head. “It’s okay then, I’ll go in myself.” Seungho smiled at her before getting out of the limousine. Jessica heaved out a heavy sigh once Seungho left, Many thoughts were flowing in her mind. Jessica thought about Key once again. ‘What is he doing now?’ She thought while leaning her head by the side.

Little did she know, that very moment her own brother was actually with Key. Yunho was once again at Key’s condo. This time, Jonghyun and Minho was also present. “Hyung, like this?” Jonghyun did what Yunho had just taught Key. Yunho was teaching Key about postures. While Key was struggling to follow, The two watchers actually learnt faster than Key. “Jonghyun, You are a prince material!” Yunho praised him with a thumbs up. Key pouted, feeling slightly annoyed that he couldn’t follow what Yunho was demonstrating. “I still don’t understand why I have to learn these.” Key sighed. Each time when Key says that line, Yunho would always reply back with the same answer. “Even if you’re not a real prince, you can still act like one so Jessica will have a prince charming by her side to protect her, respect her, care for her and love her. You’re not a prince on the inside but you can always be a prince on the outside.” Yunho would always explain it with a smile one, simply because he believes in Key and didn’t want him to give up. “I just got a call from Nicole!” Minho suddenly exclaimed from the kitchen. “and?” The three asked as they looked over. “Prince Seungho is there talking to Mr. Im and Yoona. He’s inviting them to the wedding.” Minho explained further more.

Key’s eyes slightly widen. So was Yunho’s as he was surprised that Seungho was in the city and was so close to him. He was afraid that he would get caught and be scolded by the King. “Is Sica there?” Key asked anxiously. Minho shook his head. “Nicole said only Seungho is there.” Key’s shoulders slumped back down with disappointment. “Even if she’s there it’s not like you can just talk to her. She’s princess Jessica now, it’s not easy to just talk to her. She probably has 10 body guards with her every time she goes out.” Jonghyun spoke with a small frown. “Hey, Don’t worry. Everything will work out soon. You have me, my wife, my sister and Jaejoong to back you up.” Yunho patted Key’s shoulder. Key was touched by the prince’s words. “Thanks hyung, for believing me.” Key said sincerely with a smile on. Yunho returned back the smile.

On the other hand, Seungho was back in the limousine. “Why did you have to come here by yourself anyways? You could have gotten the maid or butler to send the invitation.” Jessica asked, feeling strange that Seungho decided to do the job himself. “I thought I should give the invitation to them in person to show our gratefulness towards them. Since the Im’s family was the one that gave you a job when you had nothing.” He explained with a smile. Jessica gave him a small nod. “Did.. They say anything about me?” Jessica asked with a hopeful yet worried heart. Seungho smiled while nodding. “The two girls.. The one with short hair said..” Jessica cut him off. “ That’s Nicole. She’s really cute isn’t she?” Jessica couldn’t help but compliment her friend. Seungho chuckled softly before continuing on speaking. “She said congratulations on your marriage and hope you have a wonderful wedding. Then the other one..” “Bom unnie, She’s really pretty huh?” Jessica once again couldn’t stop herself. “Bom shii said she really wish she could attend our wedding, but she said it’s okay, as long as you are happy.”

Jessica let out a small sigh. “I wish I could invite them all to come..” She mumbled, feeling sorry that she couldn’t even invite the people she likes.

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