Her pissed off expression softens a little, and she sighs. "I know... I've been calling her nonstop since the morning. I called her mother and she told me that she stayed home to watch movies with her brother. I guess they are going to have some sibling time or something." I can see in her eyes that she doesn't really think everything's right either.

First of all, Blossie won't skip school for a reason like this. Second of all, that Brandon prick won't 'stoop that low' as to hang out with her sister. That guy might look like a good one to everybody else, but I've seen what he secretly does with his friends. He is no good.

So he is probably not with Blossie now, because he thinks that that's pretty lame. He has to be out somewhere with his friends. Which leaves us with Blossie, being all alone.

"I'll be back." With that I walk away. I probably won't be back, at least not without Blossie.

"Wait!" Emma stops me by holding my arm. I turn to her with a questioning look on my face.

"The spare key is under the rug. If you can't fnd her in her house, call me. I'll go out looking for her." She orders very seriously, and I just nod before walking out of the school building with fast steps.

I don't care if I'll be skipping classes today, or my soccer practice. I need to make sure Blossie is safe. I have many reasons to be worrying right now, and my gut feeling isn't a very delightful one.


Soon I'm in front of Blossie's house. I quickly park my car and get out of it without wasting any more time.

My strides are big, which saves me time and I instantly reach the door. I look under the rug to find the spare key. Once I have it, I don't use it. Because who knows, they might as well be legitimately having a sibling day together. So I go with ringing the bell.

I tap my foot on the ground as I wait for someone to respond. I pray for someone to actually open the door, and for that someone to be my little, beautiful Blossie.

But unfortunately no one does. So I ring once again. Then once again. No response.

Left with no choice, I unlock the door. I get in in a flash, looking around. I check the living room, the bathroom and the kitchen. No Blossie. I go further in, soon finding no one on the first floor.

So I go up the stairs. I check a few rooms, but don't find her until I storm into that one last room. My one last hope of finding my girl.

That's when I see Blossie curled up in a ball, crying in the corner of the room.

What the hell?

"Blossie?" I quickly near her, and sit on the floor next to her.

I see her flinch a little, which makes a hell lot of questions form inside my head.

Her small sobs break my heart more than anything, and all I want to do is to sooth her, to stop her from crying any more.

"Blossie, hey, look at me." I place two of my fingers under her chin, and lift her face up.

Oh, how much I wish I didn't.

She looks absolutely devastated. There are bags under her eyes, and her left cheek is awfully red. Her eyes are red and puffy from all the crying, and her pink, swollen lips are quiverring still.

Her eyes fill with hope when she sees me. "Romeo..." She lets out a weak whisper, making me want to cry. But I don't, because I know that I have to be strong for her, and help her.

"Blossie, come on, relax. It's me." I see her tense muscles loosen up, and her arms that are around her legs fall to her sides.

"I'm going to lift you up now, okay?" I calmly inform her, and she just nods quietly.

I place my one arm under her legs, and another under her back before I scoop her up. She winces for a second, which causes pain to shoot through me also.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. "I'm going to clean you up now, alright?" I speak as softly as possible, not wanting her to panic.

Whatever happened, made her so scared. I can see that so easily.

She nods again, and I take her to the bathroom. After placing her into the bathtub, I turn on the tap and hot water starts filling up the bathtub.

I try to wash everything off of her as much as possible, then hand her the shower head so she can clean some parts herself that I can't touch without her permission. And even if she gives me permission, I don't think it will be a valid one since she is not so okay right now.

After fifteen minutes or so, we are done in the shower, so I lift her up again before placing her on the sink. I ask her to take of her shirt and wrap the towel around her while I'm not looking. I wouldn't mind looking, no not in a horny way, but yeah I just wouldn't be uncomfortable with her being naked with me. Though I can't expect for her to think the same way as I do.

Soon I lay her in her small, messed up bed and sit next to her, carressing her hair slowly.

"What happened Blossie?" I ask.

She turns around, her back now facing me. I hear a tear drop fall onto the matress. "I can't... I- I can't tell you.." She whispers out before falling asleep.

I assume that she is just too tired to talk, so I leave it while making the desicion of staying with her until her parents come home.

I place a strand of her smooth hair behind her ear and leave a small, tender peck on her cheek.

"I'll be here, Blossie."


I meant for this book to be light-hearted dammit.

But Blossie has so much learn, and there are many things coming her way. That's why we have our cutie boy Rom - Rom to help her get through them :) <3

Btw I just finished writing the plot for this story and y'all... There are a shît load of things waiting to happen.

Also guys wtf? Two updates in a day??? Well, this should cover up for the upcoming two weeks that I'll be studying and only fricking studying for my exams.

Don't forget to vote and comment! <3

Love you :*

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