Chapter 28

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Carlie's POV

I haven't gone to school in almost a week. I'm too broken to go. That, and I just can't face Mason after what happened. I've been telling my parents that I didn't feel well and they believed me. It was easy to trick my parents like that.

All the days I've been home, I've been by myself until Trinity and Alexa got out of school. But today, they agreed to skip school and stay with me.

It was almost 10 and I was alone in my house. Alexa and Trin said that they would come by around 11:30 and we would hang out then, but it seemed like time was going soo slow. I decided to waste time by watching tv, but by 10:28 , I was bored as hell once again.

Since Lex and Trin were gonna be here in about an hour, I decided that I may as we'll start getting ready.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower. After my shower, I blow dried my hair and straightened it, then did my makeup. I just threw on jeans and a nice t-shirt and waited for the others to get hear.

I was listening to 21 Pilots when the music lowered indicating I was getting a call. I glanced back at my phone and noticed that the caller ID was blocked. I assumed it was Luke and Ryan, but I picked it up anyway. It wasn't them though...


Me: What do you want Luke. This isn't funny so ju-

Him: Carlie?....its not Luke it's..

Me:Austin?! Oh my god! Where are you? I need to see you and-

Him: Carlie! Just listen, are you home...alone?

I nodded as if he could see me and choked out a "yeah"

I heard him sigh on the other end as if he was debating whether to say what he planned out to say.

Him: then, come to your back

(End of conversation)

Austin's POV

I heard a thud on the other side and laughed to myself knowing Carlie had dropped her phone to come down here. I heard her footsteps coming closer to me as I stood on the patio of Carlie's backyard.

At this point, I don't know if coming to see her was the right choice...I just knew that coming to see her was what I wanted to do. I know it's only been a couple of days since I last saw her, but I didn't want to wait any I couldn't wait any longer. No matter how much she hurt me, I loved her. Yes, I loved her.

When I heard the footsteps stop I looked back up to see Carlie staring at me in disbelief through the sliding glass door. I could have swore that I saw a tear fall, but it was probably just imagination so I shook off the thought.

A couple if minutes passed at her looking at me and I finally snapped her out of her trance when I banged on the door and pointed to the lock. I heard her laugh through the door and I smiled to myself...Her laugh us just so perfect and, no Austin stop thinking like that.

My inner thought's war ended when I heard the door slide open loudly. I looked up at Carlie and she just looked so perfect.

I wanted to hug her so bad, but she beat me to it. Right when I stepped in the door I was embraced in her arms and I was kinda surprised by how strong her grip was, but at that moment I was just happy to have her in my arms.

After a long time I pulled away even though I never wanted to let go. I looked her up and down and I noticed she was dressed like she was going somewhere. That's when I remembered she had a boyfriend. I sighed loudly and looked down at her.

"Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt you getting ready for your date with...." I trailed off. Partly because I didn't want to talk about her and some other guy, but mostly because I couldn't even remember what his name was.

I looked down at the floor and started sucking in my teeth,I do that when I'm in awkward situations. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her shake her head. Then she began to speak. "No Austin, I'm not going on a date. Its the middle if a school day remember?" She began to laugh slightly and I started to laugh with her assuring her that I didn't care If she laughed at me...'because I love her laugh' I thought.

"Alexa and Trin skipped school so they could hang out with me..." she said. I nodded at first, but then a though occurred to me. "Wait...why aren't you at school today?" I asked casually.

I looked at her truly curious and noticed her face started getting red and she looked down at the floor. I put my hand on her chin and tilted her head up to face me. She started to blush and her eyes were locked on mine.

The longer we stayed looking at each other, the more I noticed the tears forming in her eyes.

I wanted to know what she was thinking so bad..

"Carlie. What's wrong?" I asked quietly. I don't even think she noticed she was crying until now. Carlie quickly wiped her eyes and turned away. I watched as she walked towards the island and slammed her hands against it. I walked up behind her, hearing her sobs get louder with every step.

"It's you Austin!" she yelled taking me a little by surprise. "you keep coming and going and..and I don't know if I should move on or wait for you. Your jut too all over the place! I'm not with Mason anymore. I want you not him!" Carlie was full on crying now and there was no stopping the words coming from her mouth.

"You were gone for almost 4 months. 4 freaking months I waited for you!!..... A-and just as I started getting over you, you come back out of no where. And so did my feelings for you. Then your gone again...and" she trailed off as she went until her last sentence was practically a whisper.

"And?" I urged her to go on, but she just shook her head. She still hasn't even turned back around to face me. She had been talking I the countertop and I was talking to her back.

I could hear her start to cry again. I couldn't take it anymore. I walked closer to her and turned her around to face me. I held her face in my hands and pressed my forehead to hers.

"And now I'm here again...and Im not leaving you" I said as I crashed my lips to hers....

Yes, it's a definite....I love her <3


AWWW!! I loved this chapter so freaking much it's not even funny! 😭😭🙌🙌

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