Chapter 21

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Austin's POV

Carlie was pacing around the kitchen table that Anthony and I were now sitting at. We were all silent since Anthony told Carlie about what happened the night that I was hit. I looked over at Anthony then back at Carlie. They both looked uneasy. After about 10 more minutes of Carlie circling us, she finally broke the awkward silence. "Why?....How?..just, why?" she whispered the last part. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes any minute, but she did a good job at hiding them...she was always good at that.

I looked back over to Anthony and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He drew in a deep breath, "It wasn't like it was on purpose.." He sounded so innocent, when I knew he wasn't. Like hell it was an accident. He knew it was me, he saw me coming and after he hit me...he just kept driving. I knew the truth, but I didn't say anything against it. I was kind of hoping that Carlie would use some common sense and ask someone questions that would force him to tell the truth, but she didn't. All she did was shake her head at him disapprovingly. Then Carlie shrugged her shoulders and just said "okay... but, I think you should just..just leave for now". I could see it in her eyes that it really hurt her to say that because I knew how close her and Anthony had gotten, but I wasn't gonna complain.

Anthony understood what she wanted and just nodded obediently and walked out the door. Carlie walked to the window and watched as Anthony's car pulled into the street. I came up behind Carlie and gave her a tight hug from behind. She jumped a little, but soon relaxed a little. "So..I guess this means your gonna stay here...with me?" I asked hopefully. Apparently she didn't realize until now she told her ride to leave her alone and go without her.

"Oh shit!" she murmured, but loud enough for me to hear. She looked down at the floor, and then at me once again. Carlie shook her head "No..I'm sorry Austin, but I'm not gonna stay here....not after what just happened" she told me in a quiet tone. I guess I understood, maybe, a little, not really, but if that's what she wanted then let her be. I offered to bring her home and Carlie excepted it immediately. We both piled into my Range Rover and drove the next 4 hours in silence.

Carlie's POV

After about 4 hours of driving we finally pulled in front of my house. It was only 6:30, but I was so exhausted. I grabbed my bag and opened the door ready to get out when a thought occurred to me. I turned to face Austin, who's eyes were glued on his steering wheel. "Um...Austin." I said to get him out of his trance. He looked up at me, his hazel eyes sparkling. "Are you gonna be home..soon?" I asked, but almost immediately regretting it after I saw his expression.

Austin opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He started to speak again very lowly. "No" he said sounding a little depressed about his own answer. "I still need more time to think...especially becasue of what went on today" I nodded in understanding even though I was a little broken. Even after what happened today, I still wanted him and nothing could change that. "Then, I guess this is goodbye."

"For now" he corrected me. I smiled a little and he smirked at me, "Thanks" I told him and again turned to get out of his car, but he stopped me. He pulled me close to him and kissed me passionately. "I still love you too, and nothing or no one will change that..I-I just need a little time." he mumbled against my lips. I pulled away and nodded at him. Then I exited his car and watched as he drove steadily away. I watched as the boy I loved left me for the 3rd time.

3 Months later....

Its been three months since the last time I saw Austin. I haven't gotten any calls, texts, or even a letter from him, and I learned to accept that. I'm finally starting to get over him once and for all. And believe it or not, Anthony and I have gotten even closer since the day he told me what had happened with Austin.

Currently I was in first period with all my friends. Trinity had started dating that Jack kid that we've apparently been going to school with since 1st grade, but I never really noticed him and Harry and Alexa were still dating too. Anthony had also finally gotten over me, and he was dating some girl who moved to Texas from New York a couple years ago, who once again, I've never noticed either. We were all sitting around a cramped table just spending our free period in the courtyard. It wasn't until he was standing right beside me that I noticed a tall boy with dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Mason.

"Hey Carlie.." he said sounding a little shy. I smiled at him, "Hey Mason!" I said sounding a little too excited. Mason laughed a bit then greeted the others. I could tell everyone was a little surprised by his presence since we never talked to him, but no one made it awkward. "So, Carlie, I was wondering if you wanna go see a movie tonight?" he asked hopefully. "I mean...your single right, your not dating that Austin kid anymore?" He said Austin's name with a little bit of attitude, but I felt like it was coming from jealousy. I stuttered at first. "Yeah.. I mean no..but, like.." I paused and took a deep breath. "What I mean is, yeah I'll go with you on a date tonight" I replied with a bit of a laugh. I could tell he was surprised I called it a date, but I could also tell he was kinda relieved. He smiled back at me "Great" Mason said. "I'll text you later" he winked at us, then turned to go.

"Dammmnnn" Trinity said once he was out of earshot. I couldn't help but smile, but I also couldn't help but think about Austin...

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