Chapter 17

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Carlie's POV

I was making my way down stairs when I heard someone call my name. I turned around and it was Luke. "Yo slow down... Ryan isn't even here yet." oh shit... I forgot I had to take then to school too. "Umm sorry Luke, but a friends bringing us to school so your gonna have to get your own ride.." I said quickly trying to make my way to the door.

"Umm sorry Carlie but we don't have another ride so looks looks like your 'friend' is gonna have to take us too." He said with attitude as Ryan walked in. I rolled my eyes and they followed Trin and I out to Anthony's car.

"Phhh. Anthony, really? that the best you can do?" Ryan said with a smirk. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face the two I them. "listen do you want a ride? Then shut the hell up" they both nodded a little shocked at my outburst. I turned around and smiled to myself as I got into Anthony's BMW.

He smiled when he saw me and then he looked beyond me at Luke an Ryan. "Ughhh. what are they doing here" he said obviously annoyed that I had to bring my little brother. I gave him an unsteady smile. "Sorry, I was suppose to bring them to school with me" Anthony nodded understandingly and as he watched Luke, Ryan, and Trinity climb into the back seat. He then turned his attention on the road and headed towards school.

When we pulled up at school it was only 8 o'clock. School didn't start for another half hour. Anthony illegally parked I front if the school and turned around to face the back seat. "Get out!" he said sternly to Luke and Ryan.

"But school doesn't start for-" Ryan was cut off. "I don't care get out of my car..." he demanded the two of them. I could see Luke roll his eyes as they both got out. Trinity started to get out too, but Anthony looked at her and laughed. " I wasn't taking to you Trin" he said with a smile. She just shook her head and looked at us. " it's fine, I'll leave you too. And besides Jack's car is here so..." She said with a wink and got out of the car.

I chuckled and turned to face Anthony. He was looking at himself in the review mirror and fixing his beanie. He must have saw me out of the corner of a he turned to face me. "What?" he asked while putting his sunglasses back on. I smiled like crazy just and laughed at him.

Anthony then put the car back in drive and exited the parking lot. "So... where are we headed?" I asked unsure of the route we were taking. "Umm..well." Anthony started. We stopped at a stoplight and he turned to look at me. "Carlie... I'm not suppose to tell you, but" he stopped unsure if he should really tell me. "What Anthony? Spit it out already.." I said before playfully hitting him in the arm. "I- know where Austin is....and I could take you to him" he said.


0hhh!! I have a really goo idea for the next chapter so I'm gonna leave you here! Byeee! Keep reading, vote, comment, and share. xoxo

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