Chapter 23

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*2 days later*

Carlie's POV

I hurriedly got into my car and started it up. "Come on!" I yelled at Luke and Ryan while blowing my horn. We were gonna be late at this rate, and I still had to stop by and pick up Anthony. A bit too long later, both my brother and his annoying friend climbed into the back seat. "Took ya long enough" I scoffed at Luke, and he rolled his eyes, obviously not giving a damn.

What happened to our used to be perfect family? I thought. Oh right, my brother became friends with an asshole who can't keep a girlfriend for more than a week, my dad got too involved with his work, and my mom is always traveling. That's what happened...but no one can tell, everyone still thinks we have the perfect family., when we really don't.

I started driving down the street towards Anthony's house. When we pulled up Anthony was already outside waiting. "Wow your early!" He said sarcastically. I gave him a 'I'm not in the mood' face and he picked it up right away. The car ride to school was really quiet, but it was manageable.

When we pulled up to school Anthony and I separated from my brother, although that wasn't too hard considering he hates being seen with us anyway. As odd as it seems, I couldn't wait to get to first period. Study hall was the best time of day because no one cared what you were doing with your time. Ant and I walked casually over to our table in the courtyard to sit with our friends. We sat with Harry, Alexa, Trinity, Jack, Olivia (Anthony's girl) and yes, Mason.

My date with Mason went really well, and I liked him a lot. All the others seemed to like him too, well most of them did. While I was sure Anthony liked him even more than I did, I could tell Harry and Alexa didn't care to hang around with him...they didn't mind being with him, but if he wasn't there it wouldn't phase them. It kind of confused me why they didn't like him, I mean what wasn't to like about him. He was hot, funny, supportive, caring, and HOT!

I pulled up a seat in between Jack and Mason, and Jack smiled at me warmly. I returned the smile, then looked over at Mason. His eyes lit up when he saw me and he gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Hey cutie?!" He said while playfully nudging me with his arm. I laughed and I could feel myself start to blush. Mason made me feel important and could always make me laugh, and he too was always happy and playful. That's what I loved that about him. Actually only one other person could make me as happy as Mason does, but that person was also the guy who told me he loved me then left me....Austin.

Trinity's POV

We were all crowded around the undersized table and Mason was telling one of his stories. Mason was actually really funny, he was perfect for Carlie in my opinion, but Alexa and Harry had other thoughts. In the middle of Mason's story my phone started to ring. I sighed and shuffled through my purse while One Direction played loudly from my phones speakers. When I got out my iPhone, my first instinct was to decline it. But then I took a closer look at the caller ID. "Umm..I gotta take this. Sorry" I said while shooting Harry a look. I was in the process of getting up when I heard a soft voice say "ugh finally" loud enough for me to only hear. I turned and shot Olivia a death glare, and noticed she move a little closer to Jack. What a.....never mind.

I rolled my eyes and was about to go and bitch slap her, when I realized that my phone was still ringing. I motioned to Alexa and pointed towards the two of them and she gave me a head nod, understanding what I had in mind. With that I turned around and walked to the other side of the courtyard to answer my phone. I looked at the caller ID, it was Austin.

" Asutin! Oh my god...what's up? Where are you?"

"Hey Trin, I-I need a favor?"

"Umm...yeah sure what's up"

"I'm on my way home...I decided to come a little bit earlier. I need you to put Carlie on the phone. I tried calling her, but I guess she blocked my number or something.. I just want to tell her that I'm coming home and I really want to see her and pick up where we left off"

Oh crap.... Austin didn't move on yet, but Carlie did. Austin thinks he still has Carlie, but she has Mason instead.

"Look Austin, I umm... Carlie has-"

"Sorry Trin, I got to go. Just do me a favor and bring Carlie to the park after school."

"Austin... I"

"Trin please!! Promise me you will?! I really need you...."

Ughhh, I couldn't turn him down. He was one of my best friends since we were three. I sighed.

"Okay, I promise."

Then I hung up before he could get another word in. Austin is gonna come home to the biggest heartbreak ever. Wait...Austin is coming home, today, 5 days early. I have to tell Alexa and Harry.


AWWWW! Poor Austin! Well Austin is probably gonna come back I the next chapter and some good chizzz is gonna happen ;)

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