Chapter 4

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Austin's POV

After Carlie left, there was not really a point in talking to that girl anymore. I was really just trying to get Carlie jealous, but I'm not really sure if it worked...I think she just thinks of me as a player now, but that's what I was trying to steer away from. Damn I screwed that plan up quickly.

I made up some excuse to leave the table and went to go catch up with Carlie. I knew she wouldn't be with Trinity because Trinity's first class was calculus while the rest of us had a free period. After searching for only like 5 minutes I finally spotted Carlie....alone. 'Yes!' I started walking a little faster so I could catch up with her and once I got close enough I grabbed her arm to turned her around so she would face me. She started to laugh really loudly which made me want to burst out laughing too. But when she saw it was me, she immediately stopped laughing and her face turned cold.

Carlie's POV

It was Austin? What did he want now, because if it was to bother me even more, he already accomplished that within those 5 seconds since I first saw it was him. I looked at him seriously and tried to read the expression on his face, but I got nothing from it. He just stared into my eyes blankly. "What?" I asked the annoyance in my voice heard clearly. He looked a little taken back by my tone but just shook it off. "What was that? Back at the table I mean..." He said. Was he seriously asking me that....why does he even care? "Umm it's exactly what you think. I got up and left..." I trailed off, but still trying to hold my ground. He was still holding on to my arm and it was getting tighter by each word I spoke. Soon it started getting to the point my wrist was hurting. "Oww Austin stop!....AUSTIN!" I looked down at my wrist. It was starting to get really red. Austin looked down and remembered he was gripping my wrist. He immediately let go. I held my wrist in my other arm it was starting to bruise.

"I....umm. I-I'm sorry Car-" I cut him off. "Don't's not like you really cared anyway." I quickly turned away from him and started walking It's not that I was scared of him...I just didn't want to see him right now. Unfortunately, my wish of not seeing him quickly faded away when I heard his footsteps chasing after me again. He was a lot faster than me, especially because I was in heels. He stepped right in front of me. "Carlie! Why can't you just stop and listen to me for 5 minutes! Gosh, you don't even know me....your just too quick to judge" his voice was rising with every word until it was at the point he was yelling. He took a step back and turned away. Pacing back and forth and running his hands through his dark brown hair. "Austin......" I said almost in a whisper. "I'm so-" but he didn't let me finish my words. He quickly pulled me closer to him and kissed me.....and yes, I kissed back.


Oh shoot!! What's gonna happen next! Is she gonna start to like Austin? I really liked writing this chapter so go vote, comment, and share it. I'll update really soon!! Luv you guys! Stay tuned! Xoxox

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