Chapter 7: Cusp

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"It's a primer." Lily explained. "We know you started studying to read and write so we thought it might help. Mary asked me to teach her as well. I made this primer for you. It's got your name on here so you can practice it."

"Very thoughtful! Thank you, girls." he cooed, hugging Lily, kissing his sister lightly on the cheek.

"You're welcome." Elizabeth sweetly replied, grinning at Augustus.

He turned to Will, his eyes lit up with excitement: "We'll be putting it to good use, won't we?"

"Of course we will." As their eyes met, Will felt an invigorating rush, a euphoric flash that blurred his mind. He loved having this project with Augustus. It was the perfect excuse to spend plenty of time alone with him. His parents couldn't talk to him about Sarah, or his future, or the business. Unlike his parents, Augustus didn't want him to change. He valued Will for exactly who he was.

The room paused, almost uncomfortable as the boys spent just a second too long staring at each other. Will eventually averted his eyes, blushing.

"All right, who's next?" Augustus snapped back to the present moment. He, too, had singled Will out, despite roughly half a dozen other people in the room.

"Perhaps I shall?" Uncle Dues piped up.

"Surely." Augustus patiently looked at him.

"Well, I have a surprise. Augustus, I am cordially inviting you, Will and Lily to come to London with me and see a play in April! It's a bit easier than reading one."

"That's splendid!" he agreed with a grin. "I've never been to the theater before!"

"Uncle, that sounds wonderful!" Lily exclaimed, clasping her hands in delight.

"Any idea what they're doing?" Will asked, eager.

"Another comedy. You should see Nell Gwyn! Augustus, she's an actress. About your age actually, but very talented. She's become quite famous in only a year or two."

"No thanks to being the King's favourite." Margaret coolly added. She did not approve of the theater or acting. And she certainly wasn't thrilled with the King having a teenage consort with questionable upbringing.

"Oh, I've heard of her." Augustus replied. "She's actually got quite the following among my friends back home."

"Of course she does." Margaret murmured smugly, arms still folded.

Will chose to ignore his mother. He was too content.


That evening, Will reflected about the joyful day. He started happily, but his thoughts soon became stressful:

22 February 1666

Half Six in the Evening

Augustus is sixteen now, and thus far it has been goode: Uncle Deus brought his parents to visite!! It was lovely to see them again and he was overjoy'd. And he was perfectly content with just a few gifts and I felt so enamored with his goode nature. He would've been just as happy with nothing but company. As I was hoping, he adored my gift. Lily's primer was very thoughtful.

There was this amazing moment when I looked at him and he looked at me and I felt some vigorous rush, just pushing through me. I adore spending time with him. He's amazing, and I do find much about him endearing. He is always social, and seems to en-joy listening to people talk, including me. I am especially keen on this. He likes to listen and I like to talk. A perfect arrangement.

Book I: Burnt Bliss [BoyxBoy]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu