six | N O U V E A U - R I C H E

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White was not pleased. Distressed at her disappearance and the successful attempt to reach the surface, White cursed under her breath as she tried to figure out how she'll retrieve the human. At first she had given up, for it was pointless keeping her alive when the war broke out for the 14th time. However, if word spread that _____ had broke through a simulation, the entire YorHa would lose faith in their leader.

"Operator 21O!" She commanded "Contact 9S and tell him _____'s gone missing."

21O complied and immediately began to get in contact with the familiar Scanner model. The first priority was to keep _____ safe and far from a certain pair, but what White didn't know was that they were already in the vicinity of the person she was trying to protect. She feared the pain that ____ would have to endure on the surface and the machines that she would eventually encounter.

_____ felt herself regain consciousness as she lifts herself off of the surface of a bed. Though through observation, it was more of a replica of a bed. It wasn't a very comfortable bed, but it seemed that the person who put her there was kind enough to try and give her some place to rest. _____ flinches as discomfort shoots through her legs. She remembered that she had crash-landed on the surface.

In attempt to get herself moving, she throws her legs over the bed and onto the ground as she tries to bring back her strength, though it appeared that it wasn't going to happen very soon. She was still weak, dehydrated, and hungry. She groans out as she trips over a elevated white block that seemed to make up the room she was in.

Being picked up by a pair of strong arms, she's lifted by someone unknown and gently placed back onto the bed. His modulated tone almost frighteningly soothes her and she immediately turns her head to his direction.

"You shouldn't strain yourself, my dear human. You'll only slow down the healing process."

Though his appearance seemed human, his pale skin and white hair made her think he was another YorHa much like 2B or 9S, but something told her he wasn't. His eyes meet hers and she's taken aback by the red hues of his irises. Was he human...? Or was he an android sent to return her to the Bunker? _____ questions herself. She wouldn't know until she asked. As of right now, she was huddled close to the headboard of the bed, revealing how scared she was.

"Where am I? Who are you?" She asked in a tremulous and hoarse voice. "What are you?"

The smirk on his pale face did not soothe the uneasiness in the human's rapidly palpitating heart. He sat himself on the bed and crossed his legs, indicating that he was going to stay a while to answer any of her questions.

"I am Adam," he speaks softly. "I am a bio-machine made by the aliens that wreaked havoc on your planet."

"You didn't answer my first question," the small human interrogated. "Where am I?"

"You are in my beloved city."

"City?" _____ glanced around the room. "I thought Earth was lush green with vegetation and roaming with animals."

"I created this city, this room, as some sort of respect for humans in their former glory. You see, previous data shows that Earth was very colorful beyond compare before we invaded your planet. I've restored some of it here, as a copy. Above, you'll see only the destroyed landscape adapted by what's left."

Adam continues, "Besides that, won't you tell me your name? Humans have names, do they not?"

"..._____," she replies hesitantly, still huddled close to the headboard. She's so close yet so far from fresh air, trees, anything that could remind her that it was Earth; she just had to make sure.

"What a unique name, _____," he compliments, testing the name on his tongue.

21O was able to get in contact with 9S while he was on his way to assist androids off the coast of the flooded city. 2B and 9S both entered battle as 21O began speaking.

"9S? I know you're busy, but _____ has gone missing."

Losing his composure, he is protected by 2B when a metallic fist nearly came down on his face. He returns to battle, but is shaken by the new information.

"What? I thought she was on the moon!" 9S yells.

21O continues her report on the missing human, "The Commander believes that the machines were able to reroute the course of the shuttle she was in to the surface. I believe the machines, Adam and Eve are behind this."

"She won't survive with them!"

"I've scanned the previous location of her shuttle and it's somewhere along the coast. I'm sending coordinates now," 21O states. "I don't know if she's alive. We can't track a human's heart like an android's black box."

21O continues, "Find something related to her so we can try to figure out where she's gone."

"Got it."

"Brother! I got the fruit and water like you've asked!" A loud singsong voice calls.

The source of the loud voice was another male of similar appearance to Adam. Though, he has shorter hair, is shirtless, and weird pattern for a tattoo on his left arm. He sets the leather bag of food on the table next to the bed and the canteen into the hands of Adam who seems to know what the human wants. He moves his body closer to the human and she only shies away further. He opens the canteen revealing clean water and tempting the young human to grab it out of his hands.

"I suppose you're dehydrated. Your voice is hoarse and you've been in bed for a while," Adam states. "If you'll come here, I'll let you have the water I had Eve collect."

She was frightened to approach or make the wrong move. She's been conditioned to believe that the machines were dangerous, but if she didn't comply, she'd die of dehydration or starvation or even worse, she'd be killed by them. Besides, what did she have to lose? So, the human chose the latter.

Adam did not cease his grip from the canteen as the human let her delicate hands bring the canteen closer to her dry lips. He observed closely as the human drank desperately, she pulled away when she was finished. Eve curiously watched the two, his eyes jumping from his brother to the human and back to his brother again.

"So, this is a human?" Eve questions.

His brother replies, "Yes, Eve."

"She's just like a flower... she's pretty!" Eve reaches to feel the human's hair.

"Yes," Adam agrees. "Delicate, but ephemeral."

_____ could feel her cheeks heat up at the words and contact. The feeling of the Eve's glove on her hair was similar to her time in the Bunker, where 9S or White would comfort her whenever she felt sad, but the thought of White made her blood boil. Adam closes the canteen and resumes the conversation between them by asking a question.

"_____, is there anyone you hate?"

_____ felt the betrayal of her guardian fill her mind with illogical thoughts. Anger coursed through her veins and changed the expression on her face. It satisfied Adam very much. He was prepared for every reaction coming from her. Not only did he take note of her withdrawn emotions, he also took account of how he developed further as an observer. Over time, both brothers were enticed, hooked, and attached to every sensation they did not fully understand. They were in a trance; they were in love.

[F]irst Taste

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