five | I D I O S Y N C R A T I C

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Pain courses through ____. It hurts, she thinks.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

... yet it was only in her head. Her shaky hand reaches forward, locating the source of the pain. It wasn't present, but she believed, for a brief moment, that it was there. It was as if a memory of stubbing her toe so many times before had come back to create a wisp of it here. She couldn't believe it. Was she dreaming about the settlement on the moon?

Yonah calls out, "_____ are you alright!?"

"I-I..." _____ croaks out. "I'm fine!"

It came out more harshly than she had expected, startling Yonah to stagger back. The words came out as more of a growl near the end, but she's never felt this epiphany stab through her. It was a painful realization, but it made things appear with much more clarity than it had before. She sees the pained expression of Yonah as _____ her sight blurs. It was another sight portraying an emotion she couldn't comprehend. It was pure desperation, and for a moment, _____ felt that she wasn't dreaming, it was a memory of the past that infected her.


9S doubles over after taking a hit from a large machine enemy. While he tries to gain his composure again, he watches as his partner 2B finishes off the enemy herself. Both Androids step aside from the machine as it prepares to explode. Afterwards they flee to find another enemy to fight.

2B dashes as she speaks, 9S following shortly after. "9S, try to move a bit faster next time. I know you can hack faster than you can run."

"U-Understood ma'am," 9S stutters.

"Are you distracted?" 2B inquires. "And don't call me ma'am."

9S sighs, "I'm worried about ____. I heard a weird noise when I was monitoring her trip through the transmitter I gave her."

"Operators and other YorHa in the Bunker should be looking into that by now, so you should calm down a little. We're soldiers and we shouldn't be distracted. Especially during a war."

"I guess," 9S trails off. "But I can't help but feel anxious."

Gasps and wheezes echoed inside the cold enclosed shuttle.

"Hah," the human gasps. "White lied to me?"

She shivers at the temperature and pulls the coat hanging on her shoulders closer to her body, trying to generate warmth. She pulls her seat forward to the control that steered the ship. It took a while to calm herself down and bring herself to believe that all this was real. The thought of Project YorHa being a lie brought a weight to _____'s shoulders. It made things more complicated than they should be.

_____ struggles to understand the keys and buttons in front of her.

"How do I pilot this thing?" She questions. She's to the brink of pressing a random button and not caring about what would happen. Though at this point, why should she? By now, the Commander must know that ____ was awake, so she had to move quickly and learn to steer the shuttle.

She planned to redirect the shuttle's course around the moon to Earth. She had the chance and she's not going to let it slip away so quickly. After a long period of deduction, ____ randomly presses the autopilot button and shuts it off, allowing her to gain full control over the course of the ship. She took the steering wheel in hand and accelerated towards the Earth's atmosphere.

After a couple minutes of learning to steer, she was able to penetrate the Earth's Ionosphere and its gravitational pull was able to turn her into a descending ball of fire that would crash into the shore of the city ruins. ____ panics as she tries to hold onto the seat of the shuttles. Everything was a scorching temperature and she clutches the bag she received from 9S close to her and silently prays for a decent landing.

"Brother, what's that?" Eve asks as he points to a falling object in the sky. "It looks like a meteor from what I've analyzed from our data."

He and his brother observe the city ruins from their seats high above the ground. Adam shifts his attention from his book to the sky, which revealed a flaming object preparing to hit some area in the city ruins. Now he was just as curious as his brother. He's seen YorHa flight units but he's never seen something of a similar size, but more enclosed and round prepare to hit Earth. He assumes it's a shuttle of some sort and not a meteor.

"It's a shuttle," Adam mumbles.

"A what?" Eve endeavored to understand his brother's inaudible communication

"It's something that humans used to move in and out of space."

"Is there a human in there?"

"There could be, though I highly doubt it. It would be unlikely for the androids to send humans down to Earth when we, the machines, are their enemy."

"Haha! They're so dumb!"

Adam and Eve rise from their seats and head towards the assumed location of the shuttle. If Adam would assume the location of the androids he had faced in the desert, he assumes they were occupied somewhere in the amusement park's premises. It meant they were safe from any nearby YorHa androids that would interfere with Eve's and his day-to-day activities.

Eve shouts from a distance. "I'll get to it before you do!"

Adam smirks at his twin's playful demeanor. Had they surrendered their humans already? If so, why? Adam thinks. His mind was always buzzing with new ideas and concepts to explore, yet he already had all the knowledge he had hacked to get from connected beings in the network. Every bit of data had allowed him to desire the acquisition of a human entity even more.

The machine always believed humans to be very relentless beings who did whatever in their power to survive. Instinct, he thought. It wasn't something machines could decipher since their actions were influenced by analysis of the simplest of data. Machines were the least bit sophisticated beings made to serve their masters. Adam and his brother felt that they no longer had the need to do that. They were much more evolved types of machines. Thus resulting in their masters' deaths.

He wonders if his brother felt the same, though he already knew that whatever he did, Eve would support him until the very end. He follows his brother as he leaps incessantly from building to building. It was much quicker to get to the shore from the rooftops, though that made them easy targets at times.

The wind picks up his hair as he decides to rush after his brother, placing one leg in front of the other and bringing himself to a sprint. Picking up the pace, he would get closer to where he wants to be in no time at all.

D[e]privated of Knowledge

HUMANITY | yandere! Machine BrothersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ