nine | P R O P R I E T Y

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A hiss of pain slips from the human's dry lips as Popola dabs a wet cloth onto the wound that stretched across _____'s upper thigh. Though Adam and Eve had tried to close the wound by stitching it together, her constant thrashing and attempt to escape reopened the wound and ruined the stitches. In fact, it opened nearly all the stitches on her legs, but her arms remained intact.

"Popola," she whispers.

"Bear with me, _____," Popola replies. "This liquor is the closest we have to an antiseptic."

The human groans quietly as the redhead android wraps the wound in gauze. "One down, four more to go," she says. "After this, you should probably change. I'll bring a tub of water if you want to clean off the dirt on your skin as well."

"Thank you for rescuing me."

"Ah, it's no big deal. Devola and I..."

The door opens and shuts as Devola approaches her sister and _____.

"You should've seen the weird looks I got from the others when I made this," Devola says as she places the metal pan on a cloth on the table. "They probably didn't know I could cook."

"It's been a while," Popola replies. "We don't really need food, after all."

"It's best you chow down on some bulk. Fruits alone don't provide enough protein if I'm correct," Devola insists as she pokes a fork through one of the slabs of meat. "Plus, you're extremely frail. A body like that is useless against even the smallest machines."

"Nevertheless, humans shouldn't even be on Earth. It's too dangerous and they created us for that reason... to fight."

"...Now that I think of it, they've left us here to rot."

Devola places the fork in _____'s mouth as she bites down on the salty meat. The human straightens her back against the wall as Popola works on the other wound below her right knee. "Why do you say that, Devola?"

"If... I'm allowed to, Popola," Devola looks to her sister as if asking for permission. She nods in response as a noticeable reluctance washes over her.

"We have a vague memory of humanity. A long time ago, before we crashed with the Resistance, I believe we were responsible in observing humanity for some reason... after some sort of mistake our other sister models made, we were meant to be disposed of," Devola explains as she pokes through another slab of meat and waves it in front of _____. "In turn, almost all data from that era was erased and we were left to wander Earth trying to find ways to atone for our crimes."

"It was tough for a while, but no matter what, we had to find ways to get even again," Popola continues.

"I... believe that's the situation for every living thing," _____ says as she runs a hand through her hair. "Everyone suffers some way. War doesn't make it any better."

"Who are you to say that?" Devola mutters. "You're not the one fighting."

"Easy, Devola," her sister averts her attention from the wound to her sister. "Her kind has survived this long. There's not that many of her as there was before."

"Doesn't matter," she retorts. "She's better off as machine-bait anyways if she's stupid enough to--"

"--They said they'd end this," _____ interrupts as she tries to gain eye contact with Devola. "If I gave myself up, they'd end this war."

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