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Hoseok yawned as he woke up next to his beloved little Yoongi, who was still sleeping. He didn't want to wake him up, so he decided to go downstairs and make some breakfast.

As he was about to climb off the bed, he felt Yoongi hands around his waist. "Good morning sunshine," Yoongi smiled with a sleepy smile on his lips. "Morning my little cutie," Hoseok said smiling happily. He then turned around and looked at Yoongi. He is so beautiful, almost not human. His pale skin matched so perfectly with his hair colour.

"Let's cuddle before we go to school," Yoongi proposed, hoping the younger would agree. "As you wish," Hoseok grinned and blushed a little bit as he lied next to Yoongi, caressing his beautiful, soft hair. It smelled like cherries, oh how he loved that smell on the older.

He then cuddled closer the older boy. He felt how Yoongi snares his legs around Hoseok, so he couldn't move at all. He grinned widely as he captured the younger. "Y-Yongi," Hoseok whined. "Let's have some fun little sunshine," Yoongi whispered into Hoseoks ears. Goose bumps rushed down the youngers back, as he felt Yoongis cold hands on his stomach. He let out a small growl, as Yoongis hands moved closer his crotch.

Suddenly Yoongi stopped and looked at the younger in shock. "We need to rush, today is the ceremony and I promised to help with the decoration," Yoongi said. Hoseok just smiled and was a bit disappointed. He wished that Yoongi would stay and they could cuddle the entire day.

"Take care then, and greet the others for me," Hoseok said with a light smile. "Will do Hobi," Yoongi said and leaned in for a kiss, which Hoseok gladly returned.

As Yoongi reached the school, the others were already decorating everything for the last day at the BIG HIT high school. It has been a wonderful time for everyone at the BIG HIT high school. It wasn't such a long time for Hoseok who joined in summer, but he enjoyed being there because of his friends and Yoongi of course.

Yoongi helped as much as he can and everything was set up after a few hours. Now it was time to dress up for the evening. Everyone would get their diploma for passing the exams at the BIG HIT high school.

Hoseoks mother was already ready, waiting in the car for her son. She was wearing a long red dress, which looked stunning on her. Her brown long hair was tied up gently. Hoseok was wearing a casual suit with a green tie. He wanted to look good for Yoongi, that's why he had spent like 2 hours to get ready.

Nervously, Hoseok was waiting for Yoongi to come. He hoped that Yoongi would like his look. The students were sitting in the first row, and Hoseok made sure that there was a free seat next to him, so Yoongi could sit next to him. Jungkook arrived together with Taehyung. Hand in hand. It looked extremely cute. They were a couple now and thought of moving together after school.

As Taehyung and Jungkook sit near Hoseok, someone pinched Hoseok from behind. He turned around, expecting Yoongi to surprise him, but it wasn't him.

Hoseoks heart stopped for a second as he saw his old friend Jimin. Park Jimin, the one who blocked him after he moved here. He didn't want to be friends with Hoseok anymore, because he didn't tell him that he would leave.

"J-Jimin, what are you doing here?" Hoseok asked with a shaky voice. He felt how his eyes teared up. He missed Jimin a lot and never thought that he would come this graduation. "I am sorry Hobi, it took me a long time to realise that it was wrong to quite our friendship," Jimin said and began to cry. Hoseok just stepped closer to Jimin and hugged him tightly. "It's alright Chim Chim, I can understand how you must have felt," Hoseok said while rubbing Jimins back.

Jimin sat next to Hoseoks mother who was only 3 rows behind him. Hoseok couldn't describe how happy he was that Jimin was back, even if it was just for an evening. He was sitting on his place for a few minutes when Yoongi finally arrived. "Hobi!" He yelled and ran to the younger to give him a bone breaking hug. "I am sorry that it took so long," Yoongi said and chuckled. "Not to worry, you are here now, that counts," Hoseok replied and winked.

There was a long speech about the entire year at the BIG HIT high school. Everyone was listening carefully to the head teacher's words, waiting for him to call their names to go on stage and take the diploma.

When Hoseok was on the line, he glazed back at Yoongi who was sitting there proudly and smiled widely. His mother even cried when Hoseok held his Diploma in his hands. She was so proud of her beloved son. She saw how happy his son was. He changed a lot, all because of one person. Min Yoongi, the boy with the mint green hair, who let Hoseok shine again.

Thank you for reading my first self written fanfic! :*

I hope you enjoyed it ^^ ♡♡♡

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