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Hello ^^
This is the second last chapter :3 I hope you like it :)

Hoseok was nervous and couldn't decide what to wear for his first date. A date with his love Min Yoongi, the cute little mint green haired boy. He couldn't believe that he really would go on a date with him. It felt too good to be real.

"Just put on the shirt you showed to me before," Taehyung said in annoyance. He really wanted to tell his hyung what had happened between Jungkook and him, but Hoseok was still busy preparing for his date with Yoongi.

Hoseok finally decided what to wear and was satisfied with his look. "Finally," the younger mumbled, not looking at Hoseok. Taehyung was busy writing with his new boyfriend. Yes, you heard right, he asked Jungkook right the next morning after their dinner. At first, he wasn't sure if Jungkook was ready for a meaningful relationship. But he told himself, if he didn't ask now, it would be too late. Luckily the younger said yes. He couldn't describe how good it felt to have such a cute cheerful boyfriend. Taehyung looked up and glazed at Hoseok who was still standing in front of the mirror, checking his outfit.

"Kookie and I am together," the younger said calmly, as he returned to texting his little bunny boy. "Wohooo," Hoseok jumped over to Taehyung, slapped his phone away by accident and hugged his friend tightly. "I am so happy for you two, I knew in advance that you two lovebirds will come together soon," Hoseok said with a cheerful voice. He couldn't stop smiling, he was so happy for them.

He then let go off Taehyung and smiled softly. What if Yoongi want to become his boyfriend one day as well? And what if not?

Hoseok knew that it was thanks to his cute little mint green haired boy, that he stopped being depressed all day. Sure, there were some days he couldn't stop crying, thinking about his father. But when he was with Yoongi, he felt different, he felt good. This is the reason he loves the older so much. He came him hope, letting him forget all the terrible things which pulled him into the darkness. He was his hero. His everything.

He turned to Taehyung, looking at him with a genuine grin. "I am not sure when I'll be back home, but if you would like, you can also stay here." Taehyung nodded and winked at Hoseok with a grin on his face. Hoseok then rushed down the stairs and grabbed his black leather jacket he once got from his mom. He kind of missed her, since he didn't see her very often. She always had to work so long. But he wasn't sad, he was happy, because he could see how happy his mother was with her work. He didn't see her that happy after his fathers' dead.

As he left his apartment, Yoongi was already standing at the door, waiting for Hoseok. "Y-you look stunning," Hoseok said shyly and blushed slightly. "Says the beauty in front of me," Yoongi grinned and blushed as well. "Let's go then," Yoongi added and intertwined his fingers with Hoseok as they walked into the direction of the park. Both loved the park, it was a lovely place with many trees and benched where you could just sit around and rest for a while. It was always quite silent, especially this time of the day.

They glazed at each other for a few times, tightening the grip. Hoseok felt save being with Yoongi. He knew it was time to confess his love to him he didn't want to wait any longer. It was already late summer and in a few weeks their graduation will take place, which means they won't be able to see each other every single day.

As they sit comfortably on a blue painted bench, Hoseok wrapped his arm around Yoongi shoulder and the older just looked close into Hoseoks eyes. They youngers eyes were shining, he looked so happy and smiled widely, still sitting there with Yoongi in his arms.

"Yoongi, t-there is something I-I need to t-tell you," Hoseok mumbled silently, turning his face away. He felt the heath coming up and his cheeks started to redden once again. "Sure, what is it?" Yoongis voice was calm but also a bit shaky. He didn't know what the younger wanted to tell him.

"Thank you for being here for me, you let me forget all the terrible things in my past, you give me the feeling to be loved," Hoseok said quietly, not looking into Yoongis eyes and a few tears rolled down his cheeks. "Shh, shh, don't cry my little sunshine," Yoongi said calmly and gently wiped Hoseoks tears away.

Hoseok glazed at the older and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you Yoongi," Hoseok whispered into Yoongi ears.

Yoongi grabbedHoseoks hands carefully, and leaned in for a passionate kiss. "I love you too." 

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