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There was an awkward silence in the car, even though Hoseok loved his mother, he could feel the tense between him and his beloved mother. He knew his mom was still not over his father's death, he could also hear her crying quietly at night. But what should he do? He always opened her rooms door slowly and asked her if everything was alright. She would always respond with a slight nod and tell him to go back to sleep. All Hoseok wished for, was seeing his mother happy again.

He himself was depressed since the day his father passed away. After having different therapies, Hoseok was given antidepressants, which he must take every single day. Unlike his mother, he didn't cry about his father. He didn't have the strength to cry. He stopped eating and his shiny smile disappeared completely. His father's death left a big hole in Hoseoks heart.

After a while just staring at his shaky hands, which he placed at his lap, and thinking about his beloved father, Hoseok looked out the window and suddenly discovered the big building coming in to sight. That must be the BIG HIT high school he guessed. He gulped and tried to stay calm, he felt his heart hammer heavily against his chest.

He still had a strange feeling about going to a new school. Will they accept him? What if not? Will he be the underdog he was before? What if he doesn't find any friends? He asked himself hundreds of questions.

Suddenly Hoseoks mother glazed at his worried face and pulled up. "There is no need to be nervous my little sunshine." She said softly. All the anger from before was blown away and she was smiling softly at Hoseok. He just glazed at her eyes and bit his lips. "Alright, let's do this!" He shouted with an insecure voice.

He stepped outside the car. A fresh breeze greeted him as he was about to close the door. He then walked together with his mom straight to the head teachers' office. He was nervous but he tried to hide it as good as possible. The areal was huge. There were many benches under big, strong and especially beautiful trees. The leaves danced together in the wind.

Hoseok felt how the other students staring at him. Of course, he was a new student, but he felt quite uncomfortable and walked closer to his mother. She just gave him a small smile and continued to walk towards the school building which came closer and closer. It was enormous and quite old.

As they walked in the big school building, Hoseok looked up to his mother's face. She was smiling all the time. She really was happy for her son to go back to school and make new friends. She was always worried about him but felt relieved every time Hoseoks friends came over to hang out with him. She took his hand squeezed it encouragingly.

Then they walked in to a cosy room with bright lights, the head teacher was already waiting for them to arrive. He was an old man, with wrinkles all around his eyes. He had grey short hair and light blue eyes, which seemed to scan everything on Hoseok. The head teacher seemed like a very friendly man, he was smiling at Hoseok and his mother all the time.

He gave the schedule to Hoseok with a bright smile. "Your mother told me that you like to dance, so I already signed in a dance class for you, I hope you don't mind", the man still smiled brightly. But Hoseok was just sitting there and nodded. He stopped to dance after his father's death. Although he did not want to dance again, he didn't decline the dance class he was signed in, because he saw how happy his mother was looking right now.

After talking about all the rules at the new school, the head teacher gave his goodbyes and wished both best of luck. As they left the head teachers room, Hoseok turned to his mother and felt how his eyes filled with hot tears. He didn't want to cry, he wanted his mother to think that he was strong. So, he held back all the tears and gulped once more. "Have a wonderful day darling, don't forget to eat properly." His mother said softly while patting his brown fluffy hair. "I will, thank you." He gave his mother a tight hug and earned a lovingly kiss on his forehead.

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