"Maybe if things were different," he said, quietly. 

                We pulled into the library parking lot, which was littered with cars, some of which I recognized from school.  I just took out my books.  Ethan said he'd wait in the truck for me.  He was frowning off into the distance, but I hadn't noticed at what.

                There were kids littered everywhere too, a lot from my classes.  I noticed Thomas Wyatt and his friend, Robert Hammond, hanging out at a table with a few other kids—including Cynthia.  She gave me a shy smile, and I smiled back—but it looked like Thomas thought it was for him since he waved.

                I just turned and went to the desk, about to drop the books into the slot when I changed my mind.  I waved for the librarian's attention as she was walking by the door to the backroom.  "I'd like to renew these please."

                I was looking for my library card in my wallet when I noticed Thomas and his group stand up and head towards the door.  He gave me a small smile, frowning at Cynthia as she came over to me, leaving the group.

                "Hi," she said shyly.

                "Hey.  How've you been?"  I handed my library card to the lady.

                "I've been good.  We were just helping each other with our projects.  We're going out to lunch, and I thought I'd invite you to join us.  We'll be nice—I promise."

                I chuckled as put my card away.  "I actually can't.  Ethan's waiting for me outside."

                She blanched.  "Ethan's outside?"

                I didn't understand her expression.  "What's the problem?"


                I paled just as much as she did and we both ran outside.  I hoped there was nothing waiting for us.  Maybe they didn't notice Ethan's truck.  Maybe they went straight to their cars and were waiting for Cynthia.

                There was a small group around Ethan's truck.  They'd seen him.

                The girls stood off to the back of the group, worried looks on their faces.  Three of the four boys formed a barrier around the driver's side of Ethan's black truck.  I couldn't see Thomas or Ethan.

                I'd already left Cynthia behind and ran toward the boys, and I found Thomas on top of Ethan, hitting his bloodying face twice before I forced myself into the group and shoved Thomas against the truck.

                Thomas hadn't seen me coming and he scrambled off of Ethan, but then broke into a clear smile and chuckled.  "It's just you.  I thought it was somebody important."

                "Get a life, Wyatt," I spat, standing in front of Ethan as he got to his feet.  "Leave him alone."  I glanced toward Cynthia… who stayed with the group of girls.

                "Bella, move."  Ethan tried shoving me, but I stayed where I stood.

                "Look, Ford," said Thomas, "this is between me and Walker.  If you don't want to get hurt, I suggest you join the ladies back there."

                "Sorry, but I'm not a coward," I said loudly.  "And if I wanted to fight with someone, I wouldn't need three other guys for back-up like you."

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