A soft click echoed through my room, and I suddenly felt a soft, chilly breeze tickle my skin and send chills throughout my body.

My eyes widened in horror when I thought I heard the soft pad of footsteps coming my way. 

'Omg it's a burgular and I'm going to die!!!!'

Probably better off dead anyways.

'Shut it with the negative thoughts!  For heavens sake it could be your cat coming in for all you know!'

'Yeah if my cat has shoes and knows how to open the window!'

No response from Miss Know it All.

I decide to pretend I didn't hear it, since it is so dark in my room that beyond the glow of my flashlight, I can't see two inches in front of me.  I take deep breaths when suddenly my flashlight flickers and goes out.


My hands start shaking and I whimper in fear, as I consider the following:

A) My nightmare scared all dignity and bravery right out of me

B) There is a random spirt/burgular/pysco in my room  probably leaning over my bed

C) I can't stop shaking or crying

The whole freaking package.

I picture Lisa's ashes floating away in my mind again and involuntarily start trembling violently and whimpering.

Suddenly, in the midst of all my sobs, someone sits on the side of the bed and grabs the covers I hid under off me.

I am in the middle of a mini heart attack and am about to scream when someone clamps their cold hand over my mouth. 

"Shhhh...  It's just me.  Everything's okay, I'm here to protect you."  A familar voice cooes.  I gasp inwardly at the sound of Brady's voice.  Tears start flowing faster down my face as I mumble a chorus of appologiers and phrases about how much I missed him.  Humiliating enough?  Not yet apparently.

Because simply to make my cheeks brighter, Brady pulls me into his lap and craddles me gently, humming a beautiful, soft tune that almost puts me in a complete trance.

But my worries keep me out.

Unfortunately, there are still many things to be afraid of.  Just to name a few:

~Afraid of having to relive my nightmares.

~Afraid of the people that are out to get me.

Afraid for Alice, whom I am unable to save at the moment.

Afraid for my life, my fate.

Afraid of my feelings.

Afraid of Brady.

The last one is partly true.  I'm not sure if I love him, but I know we have something.  And that scares me because I don't know if I can fully trust him still, and don't know what he is capable of.

I ma scared to admit my feelings towards the slighly scary, totally hot demon-vampire hybrid, and wish there was a way around it.  I already poured half my heart out towards him, and am scared to give the other.

Because we all know where that got me.

I have to stop comparing my relationship with Austin to my whatever you wanna call it with Brady.  Because the one thing I do know is that he actually cares.  He is different, I know he is.

What if Brady takes me again?

"B-Brady?"  I sniffle and say shakily.  "Yes Zoe?"  "A-are y-you...  I-I mean..."  I stare up at him, my eyes shining with tears.  "What are you plaining on doing with me?"

I wait nervously for a response.

He doesn't answer.  Instead he says, "You can trust me."

Those few, simple words sink way deep.  People have said that to me multiple times, but those words have never had any meaning until hearing them from his mouth.

And so instead of waiting for a better answer, I allow myself to fall asleep in his strong arms, as he quietly hums a random tune, and I abandon all thought of selling away my heart.

The only half that isn't broken.

A.n. make sense?  Lemme know!  I need a name for all my readers, and since I can't call you guys something related to the title, I will simply call you Beauties, since my name is BeautyWITHfangs.  Sound okay?  Till next update my Beauties!  (Lame?  Probably:3)

Human? *RE-WRITING//ON HOLD*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora