XXIV. Bombshell

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Hunk: pidge can you come to my room I need to talk to you
Pidge: sure
"Fuck," Pidge muttered under her breath, throwing her phone onto her bed. She knew exactly what was coming.
Stupid Allura can't keep her stupid mouth shut.

The green paladin shut her own door and found herself standing in front of Hunk's. 
She hesitated to knock on the door, hand hovering over the wood, thoughts racing.
This is not what she wants with Hunk.
They're simply.. friends.
This'll screw everything up.

She knocked slowly, counting the raps of her knuckles on the wood and how many ticks it took before he opened the door.
"H-hi Pidge."

"Hey, Hunk." She said, trying to sound as normal as possible, masking her unexplainable embarrassment the best she could.

He frowned. "We need to talk." He moved aside so she could come into his room.
Pidge swallowed, forcing a smile before sitting down in the small chair in the corner of his room, while he sat in his desk chair.
"So.. Allura told me some stuff.."

"What did she say?" Pidge cracked, being as calm as she possibly could.

"..Do you have a thing for me?"


Hunk looked down.
"Look, I know we've been friends for a long time, and we're visibly quite far into the friendzone..."

Pidge mapped out what he would say next.
Yada yada, i don't feel the same, but I'm flattered, whatever, whatever-

"But.. I kinda like you too, so.."

Pidge's brain froze.
"What?!" She coughed. "I mean, you do?"

"Yeah.." he smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. "Allura told me that you said you had a crush on me, and I figured that since we felt the same... we could... I don't know, date?"

Pidge's mind raced.
Fuck, fuck, FUCK.
I do not want to date Hunk.
But.. I have to do this for Keith, even though he's a bag of shit.


"Really?" Hunk said, eyes lighting up. "Cool. Thanks. So... do you want to go up to the roof tomorrow?"

"Isn't that Keith and Lance's place?" She murmured, pretending she didn't know that the red and blue paladin were terrified of each other.

"I don't know, we can still use it, can't we?"

Pidge gulped. "O-okay.. well, I gotta go help Coran.. bye.."

"See you later girlfriend."
Hunk smiled.

Pidge closed the door a little too quickly behind her back.

She raced into her room, hitting her shoulder in the door frame before falling onto her bed and grabbing her phone, hastily putting in her password.
Keith: why

"You're a piece of fucking shit!" Pidge furiously paced the room. "I do all this shit for you, and what do I get?! This!"

"What happened?!"

She waved her finger in his face. "Don't you "What happened" me, you jerk," she growled. "This is all your fucking fault!"

Keith backed away. He'd never seen Pidge so mad, especially not at him.

"Because of your stupid secret," she hissed, "I lied to Allura and said that I liked Hunk to cover for you! Turns out, Hunk fucking likes me!"

"What's so bad about that?!"

"He asked me out! And I had no choice but to say yes to cover for your fucking issue!" She fumed. "You're such a fucking.. IDIOT, you know that?! Deal with this.. this shit yourself. Get someone else to help you, because all you've done is screw me over!"

"You didn't HAVE to tell Allura that!"

"Yes, yes I did! It was either that, or she learns that you're Galran and that your race destroyed Altea!" She yelled. "The princess already doesn't trust you, and now I know fucking why! So deal with your own shit, because thanks to you, I'm in a one-sided relationship with my best friend!"
She flipped him off on both hands before stomping down the stairs, the slamming door echoing behind her.
And Keith was suddenly even more alone.

hello again
I'm so sorry but this was so fun to write you have no idea
Love you guys! <3

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