V. Lucidity

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Keith sat down, just as Allura, who was apologetic to Pidge, got up to go help Coran with some mechanisms. Sighing, feeling vulnerable, he plopped fowards onto the table.
Smirking from behind her glasses, Pidge let out a stifled laugh.
"I enjoy seeing your pining."
Keith rubbed his eyes and pulled at his cheeks.
"I hate you."
"That's what everyone says."
Keith was growing impatient, Pidge could tell, and he threw his hands up, falling back onto the arm of the dining chair. "What do you want? Why do you bother me like this?"
"Tell me about Lance."
The red paladin grew nervous, obvious to an obversative like Pidge herself. "Well, he pilots the blue lion, he likes pasta, he's Cuban, he-"
"Stop being a smartass, and tell me about your-" she paused, stuttering and pointing her finger accusingly. "-feelings."
"I don't have any feelings!"
"Kissing someone really isn't a way to show that, is it?!"
"Shut up." Keith said, growing red.
"Yuh-huh. Okay." The green paladin leaned in towards the center of the table.
"I know that you like him, Keith."
Keith did his best to keep his voice steady. "Stop, I don't. Don't-" he put his hands to his temples. "-stop confusing me."
Pidge's eyes lightened. "So you're confused."
"I hate you."
"You already said that." She paused. "But seriously, are you confused?"
Keith sighed. "Yes. Very. I just- I just don't know why I did what I did, but at the same time," he looked at Pidge, bracing himself for a big reaction. "-I don't regret anything at all."
She squeaked, and put her hand over her mouth. "Continue."
Ready to spill, Keith sat up. "I just.. these last few days I've gotten butterflies anytime anyone even says 'Lance' and whenever I'm near him I swear I can hear my own heart beating out of my chest, but at the same time I don't know if he likes me because I feel like he's way out of my league and I also unintentionally friendzoned him but then he asked me for cookies and said all that stuff that it meant something to him too so I just..."
Pidge looked at her nails as he continued to rant, his run-on sentences triggering her relationship senses.
"So, how would you react if he liked you?"
Keith stiffened. "Uh.. I don't know. I don't really want to be in a relationship, but like maybe we could just stay friends for a while, then maybe? Friendship always helps 'long-term relationships' as well I guess, so.."
It annoyed Pidge how oblivious Keith and Lance were, and although she would've killed to say something, she knew that Shiro was right; you can't just interfere with people's feelings, especially after you already got caught screwing up on more than one occasion. Pidge was, not suprisingly, always the one that was up-to-date with her gossip in the Altean castle. She had couple shrines, she had sneaky photos, Pidge even had old stuff that she had found to use as blackmail. Despite this, though, Pidge never used it. She wanted to get answers reasonably, not through force.
Sighing, she glared at Keith. "Do you like him or not?"
"I don't know!" Keith cried out, thrashing his hands in the air. "Maybe..?"
Pidge nodded, folding her hands together before gesturing to the door, telling him to leave. "Don't let it hit you on the way out."
"If you tell anyone about this.."
"Get out!"

Send to: Shiro, Allura, Hunk
Shiro: lemme guess
Shiro renamed the groupchat 'Operation Klance II'
Pidge: close
Allura: I would've killed to be there
Pidge: he said that he wasn't really sure about his feelings but at the same time they are so definitely there and he says he gets butterflies everytime he's around him and it's just so good
Hunk: I am so in on this
Shiro: why why why
Pidge: Dad if you say anything I'll end you
Shiro: I won't, I won't. It just doesn't seem fair.
Hunk: pssh
Allura: life isn't fair
Allura: live a little, Shiro!
Pidge: ok so what should we do
[Shiro went offline]
Pidge: hmph fun killer
Allura: ignore that. What are we going to do?!
Hunk: what if we like all confront Lance and then record it and send it to Keith
Allura: maybe
Allura: but then what if Keith talks to Lance about it
Allura: we have to be careful. If one of them comes on too strong or to quickly, then it might ruin it.
Pidge: but also of we wait too long they might get over this
Pidge: actually I know Lance won't for a fact he's so annoying about it
Hunk: true
Allura: fine. Let's just record it, but decide what to do with it later.
Pidge: just take him somewhere where there's a sound system, because then I can hack into it and get the audio
Allura: but who's gonna do it
Hunk: he knows we're all in on this
Pidge: SHIRO
Allura: YESSS
Hunk: but what of he doesn't do it
Pidge: when I'm done with him he will
Pidge: gotta go plan
Pidge: meet me in my room ;)
[Pidge went offline]
Hunk: she's scary
Allura: very

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