Chapter 10: Shot Blaster

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At Base:

"Thanks for helping me by making some new tools for me today Amara. I really appreciate that a lot," said Ratchet. "Anytime Ratchet. Glad I could help you out with that today," said Amara with a smile on her face. Ratchet chuckled and gave her a hug and she laughed a little. Then her smile disappeared. "Is something bothering you Amara?" asked Ratchet. She sighed and said,"One question. Was Dad always a Prime?" "No, he wasn't. Before he became a Prime, he was working as a clerk. His name was Orion Pax. That was his original name before it was changed to Optimus Prime. The Primes picked him over Megatronus, now known as Megatron, because his spark was pure and worthy and full of light. Megatron's spark, however, was very dark and full of evil and it still is to this day. The Primes gave your father more power than he's ever had before and he became leader of the autobots. And one of the great Primes that gave him power was also your grandfather. That's how Optimus became who he is today," said Ratchet. "Wow. That's amazing. I wish I could've met my grandfather," said Amara. "You will someday," said Ratchet. "When Ratchet?" "I don't know Amara. But you will," said Ratchet and she smiled. Then it disappeared again. "Ratchet?" said Amara. "Yes?" said Ratchet. "Dad showed me a picture of him, mom and a young femme autobot named Athena. Was she their other daughter?" asked Amara. Ratchet sighed and said,"Yes she was. Plus, she was exactly like you when you were a sparkling. She was kind, caring, loving, funny and also was a bit of troublemaker." He and Amara laughed a little at that. Then Ratchet said,"She loved her friends and family and had a very close bond with both Optimus and Flash Storm as well. However, when the war broke out, Athena....became one with the all spark." Amara lowered her helm and said,"Oh. Poor Athena," and placed her left servo on her chassis. "Optimus to base, do you read?" "This is Amara Dad. What's your situation?" said Amara. "We need immediate backup. We're being attacked by Megatron and his decepticons," said Optimus. "Don't worry. I'm on my way," said Amara. "Activating ground bridge," said Ratchet and he activated the ground bridge and Amara transformed and rolled out. When she got to the forest, she saw Optimus, Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen, Wheeljack and Bumblebee battling against Megatron and the decepticons. She jumped into action and started shooting at the enemies. "You made it," said Optimus. "Yes I did. Now let's take these decepticreeps down," said Amara and they both attacked their enemies. "Autobots, continue to fight the decepticons. I'll take care of Megatron," said Optimus and he drew out his sword and ran towards Megatron. "OPTIMUS!" Megatron yelled and they both started to fight each other. Amara and the other autobots continued firing at the decepticons. "Bulkhead, give me a lift," said Amara. "You got it," said Bulkhead and he lifted her up and threw her high in the air. She shot three laser beams at a flying decepticon soldier, hitting its wing. It fell to the ground and it exploded and Amara landed on her feet. "Oh yeah. That was aw-AAAH!" Amara yelled in pain and she fell to the ground and blacked out. "AMARA!" Arcee yelled. Optimus sent Megatron flying to the ground and he got up in pain and looked at Optimus. "You won this time. But I'll be back," said Megatron and he transformed into his own plane mode and took off and Optimus started to fire his gun at his enemy but missed. Then he heard Amara scream in pain and he saw her holding onto her left leg. She was shot. Then he saw a decepticon soldier standing above her pointing his gun at Amara. "AMARA!" Optimus yelled and he ran towards her. Amara looked up at the decepticon soldier pointing his gun at her and she closed her optics. This was it. Her life was over. Then, Amara heard three loud bangs. "That's it. I'm dead," she said to herself. She was wrong. Amara opened her optics to see a red and black mech standing above her, firing at the decepticon soldiers and he killed them. Then he looked down at Amara and asked her,"Are you alright?" "Despite having an injured leg, I'm alive," said Amara. The mech grabbed her servos and helped her up. "Thanks for saving my tailpipe Hot Shot," said Amara. "My pleasure. And please, call me Shot Blaster," he said to her. "Ok Shot Blaster," said Amara. Then they saw Optimus and their fellow autobots approach them and Optimus smiled and said,"Thank you for saving my daughter young soldier." Shot Blaster looked up at him in shock and said,"I don't believe it. You're Optimus Prime. It's an honor to finally meet you in person sir." "What is your name soldier?" asked Optimus. "Shot Blaster." "Nice to meet you as well Shot Blaster. Welcome to earth and to team Prime. Please come with us back to our base. Ratchet, activate the ground bridge. We're coming back home," said Optimus. Amara tried to take a step on her own but fell to the ground. Shot Blaster and Optimus helped her up and helped her walk through the ground bridge.

Back at base:

Ratchet patched up Amara's wound on her leg and helped her back on her feet. "There you go. Easy Amara. There you go," said Ratchet and Amara started to walk on her own again. Everyone cheered and Optimus smiled at his daughter and she smiled back. "Please. Applaud for the ones that became heroes of the day. Our medic and the new member that saved my life," said Amara and they all applauded for Ratchet and Shot Blaster. Then, they all went into their rooms, including Shot Blaster, and fell asleep.

Chapter 11 will be here soon. 😊😊😊😊😊

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