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The door closes, my vision reverts back to normal, and I verify that it is him. What's he doing in here? Doesn't he know how to knock? If he can show courtesy for Grace, then he can also- Wait, what's he doing? He's just standing there... looking at- O-Oh...

I realize he's looking at me, and in my current position, this can't look good: Me arched on the bed with a minuscule Companion cowering on a wooden post, like some dark role play or something. Hold up. Where's Serenity? Dad's focus previously at me lowers. Following it, I find a sprawled, confused, and probably scared for life Serenity. Wow, I was just joking about climbing over her before, but my goodness. Awkward.

My breaths stop briefly when Dad begins walking toward me... us... them? I don't even... Oh god. I know that he knew that I had some issues and secrets, but I don't think he knew that Companions were involved. I usually hid them.

This is the worst way to come clean about at least thirty or so unlisted Companions kept in my room, and of all of them, he had to encounter MJ? Damn it. He approaches her and squats to see her better... or just judge her. His face is so blank, while she looks terrified. Besides Tony and me, I don't think she's seen another person in the last decade. So, this must be quite a-

"May I?" Dad suddenly asks her, placing a hand out in front of himself, palm up. Is... Is he asking to hold her?

She's my Companion. A simple, Sinful Temptation Concrete one but mine, nonetheless. Wait, what am I worried about? It's not like she'd ever- Is she actually doing it!?

She's... going on his hand, and I can't get her to talk to me unless she's trying to cut me down? Rude much? She situates herself in the center of his palm, fitting like she was meant to be there, and Dad and I both rise to standing positions. He gives me a testing look before putting all of his focus to her. Though, I don't know how he thinks he's gonna get her to sp-

"Hello, Mary."

She and I instantly look at him, surprised as all heck. "H-How do you know my name?" MJ questions, bewildered. Same question.

"Let's just say... I've had a lot of experience with Hosts and Companions like you," he replied with a smirk, "and ones of your build can only have so many names." Didn't I hear that before? I swear I did... "With that in mind, I can tell that you've been quite neglected... or just worked with incorrectly."

There are so many ways I could respond to that and how he's running his hand all over her... with her seeming to like it, but the only thing I muster is,

"I didn't know that you knew about the 'Sinful Temptations' like that, Dad." If I had known that, then... well, I guess it would've been even more awkward, actually.

"There's a lot that you don't know about me, son," he says with a wink. And that just takes the cake for awkward. "But, I didn't come in here to humble-brag. I wanted to talk to you. Though, I have a feeling that I should probably ask this little lady."

MJ perks up, physically and emotionally, at the acknowledgment, but I am not about that life. "What could she possibly tell you that I couldn't?" I inquire.

"I don't know, Grey. Shall I find out?" Both his voice and facials harden.

He looks like he was going to start an interrogation with her, but I'm not letting it go forward. "What's the point!? It's not like you'll get anything valuable from her, anyway."

"Oh? And, why is that?"

"I mean, she could tell you a basic answer, but anyone... or anything could do that, with a bit of knowledge. Really, Dad. There's no need to involve her. I'm actually trying to rid myself of her, to be honest."

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