8 [i]

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"Inez... are you okay?"

I look over my shoulder to find Drew standing there, with a concerned look on his face and a... uh... Is that a scepter in his hand? Gosh, he's gorgeous. Of course, he is. All the Companions of his line are, and they all look different. Pretty and different, while my fam's just pretty. Oh, I should probably answer him. But, I don't know what to say.

"Do I look okay?" I ask, turning my head back around. Well, that's something.

"In what context?" he fires back, placing his stick-thing down as he takes a seat next to me on this bar table. "On one hand, you look like you could use someone to talk to. On the other hand, you look more than okay..." Huh? "...quite pretty, in fact." Oh. Oh, my. "Oh, look. A smile. Even more beautiful."

"What? Oh, please. Stop with the compliments. I don't deserve them. I'm not worth it." According to Grey, I'm not worth anything.

"Now, now. I'd disagree with that. If you've gone through whatever I've gone through for these eight years or so, and knowing the problem child, you've probably dealt with worse, then you deserve them and then some." Well... yeah.... "Come on, talk to me."

"Where do I start? The unintentional, physical abuse over several years, the probably intentional verbal abuse going on now, or the who-knows-what emotional abuse that'll come later? Why couldn't I be with Grace, too?"

"Whoa, calm down. Abuse? Girl, you know that doesn't fly in any circumstance. You must be jok- Oh, dear. Inez, it's alright."

I feel his long arms wrap around me. If he tried hard enough, then I bet they could go around twice. The touch is so nice that I know I'm practically melting in his grasp. His shoulder feels nice.

"Is it though? Instead of standing my ground, I had to ask for help from my Partner's father. How pathetic is that?"

"It's not. It's smart. You're keeping yourself from doing the dirty work. Plus, being in a such a toxic environment probably isn't good for you."

"'Toxic.' That word's been thrown around so much that I swear it's losing its meaning."

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"I guess... when it's referring to me. I can't even emit anything harmful - well, now, thanks to Updates and stuff - anymore. I'm more broken than toxic."

"Hmm, would you like some help with that, then?"

I look at Drew, who gives me an empty look back, until it becomes something more. Unexpectedly, his arms lift me off the cold, hard surface to then place my between his legs. Both pairs of lengthy appendages wrap around my own, him nearly engulfing me completely. He's larger than I thought - me dwarfed by his giant yet small stature. I don't know whether to be terrified or enamored. Based on the pulses he's rushing through me currently, just by holding my hands in his - OMFG - probably the latter.

"How's this?"

Instead of blowing my totally mature and respected reputation in front this perfectly chiseled piece of- I mean, Drew, I decided to keep my cool... or try to, anyway.

"It's n-nice. I guess the A in your name must stand for 'affectionate', right?"

I hear a chuckling sound from behind. I must've done something right - the first time today.

"Oh, clever, aren't we?" Maybe. "I guess the health sync is working. But, think about calling me Andrew or anything of the sort, and you'll get it." Is it bad that I kind of want to, though?

"A h-health sync? What's that?"

"What? You don't know what it is?" Why would he think I'd know that? "Oh yeah. He never really let you out much, does he?" Well, when you put it that way... "Not even with... uh, what's her name? Oh, right? You and Mackenzie never did one together?"

I shake my head. We can do that... this? Wouldn't that be kinda weird?

"Huh, alright. But, to answer your question, it's pretty much the same effects as what a system Cleanse would give you, except Companions of particular connections can share them through and with each other whenever necessary." Oh, so a quick Repair thing? M'kay.

Does he have to be so up on me to do it, though? I mean, it sounds like holding hands or even just touching fingertips would work. N-Not that I don't want it, but just saying.

"But wait, you said the effects are shared, right?" He vocally confirms the idea. "So, if I'm getting the healing properties from you..." Seriously, I can see my frame physically fixing itself. The scratches and marks of old are just fading. Freaking surreal. "...then what are you getting from me?"

He takes a while to respond, but he eventually does. Based on what he says, I assume it may have something to do with wording. 

"It's a trade. I'm Cleansing you, so you feel better, and I'm receiving what you seem too post-traumatically stressed to tell me..." Oh my god, is he freaking snooping in my mind-frame!? "...removing some of the bad memories, helping me to help you." With that nonsense thrown in my face all at once, it should be understandable why my mind is totally blown right now, right? "You're not really considering yourself as a worthless object, now?"

"Well, I haven't really been given a reason not to," I respond, breaking away from the utterly sensual contact... feeling the regrettable consequences automatically. Oh, jeez. I didn't think his sync game was so strong. Anyway, "I do menial work for a hyperactive colossus that's been tainted by the Abstract hive mind. Aside from whatever exposure he and Grace got from their parents and their Companions, before they got their own, only I... and maybe Mackenzie were his doorways to the outside world. And what do I get in return? The joys of being hidden away in backpacks, boxes, and crap until full-on emergencies or overexertion for optimized multitasking."

"So, what's the difference between what it is you do and an intern or personal assistant at a job? They obviously have lives of their own. Heck, I'm pretty positive Serenity's sessions with Grey aren't as chipper and lovely as they seem."

"Yeah, but they have freedom. They have lives of their own. Serenity doesn't stay here. She hasn't since a few months ago. She just does house calls. She comes wherever and whenever he needs- she believes she needs to be with him. And I'm stuck at the beck and call of a maniac."

"...that needs you." 

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