2 [i]

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"Hey, Inez," I hear someone call out to me, but... where is it coming from? "Is 'Miss Sunshine and Rainbows' all up on G, like a little slut again?" Okay, there are many girls here, and while half would describe adorable Serenity as that, the selection quickly narrows down to one group of possible petites, especially since I've realized that the voice is coming from the floor.

I look down from my perch on the nightstand, way below at the bottom of the nearest dresser Chester thing, and reply to the variously emerald donning diva (and the rest of her practically infinitely growing crew not far from her) nearly hidden in the shadows,

"Mary Jane, you know it's the same old, same old. You know why she's here. But, to answer your question, yes."

I'm not even watching them, and I know that. I'm surprised no one else is listening or can hear them... and they're right there.

She gives an exasperated sigh in annoyance, as she does every day, tousles her slightly spiky hair, and adds,

"Of course she is. I don't even get what good she possibly does for him. She's just keeping him away from the rest of us! How is that fair!?"

Without giving me a chance to respond, she stomps away to her huddle of gal pals, angrily cursing to herself along the way.

I get her negativity, but she should know the deal by now. It wasn't hard for me to figure out... but was that solely because I overheard Grey and his parents first talking about bringing Serenity in the fray? I don't know.

Either way, I feel MJ, but I honestly can't empathize with her. It seems that besides Grey himself, I'm the only one kinda benefiting from Serenity's arrival. After all, I'm still being used and acknowledged by him, maybe for a few hours at a time on a good day. He's been keeping his sessions with me more spaced out and even, rather than burning me out in one run, making sure to give me breaks when needed (or when he's just done with me). Gosh, being pushed to near death hurts every time.

The whole MJ clan is probably devastated, maybe heartbroken, but they can't be close to how much Ash probably is, since she was his first... wherever she is. Well, actually I was (wayyyyy before her), but we're on two completely different wavelengths. I bet she's curled up in the back of that bottom drawer again, with her classic white top, orange-brown pants, and that beautifully wispy and youthfully grayish-silver hair collecting with little dust and lint balls. Maybe Grey could light a spark in her life, not so much for himself, but just to please her? That shouldn't cause any detectors to go off, right? There used to be times when he would go through her fully, replenish her, and do it again, without a care in the world. Now, I'm pretty sure he hasn't even touched her in a few weeks- no, months. Jeez. That's depression levels of loneliness right there.

For all I know, she could be burying herself under that landfill Grey calls a clotheshamper in his closet just to absorb his scent, possibly killing herself in the process.

*sigh* I know that this is a process for Grey to 'purify' himself, but what happens when he's certified clean? I know I'll still be here, getting redone and made over every one to two years as usual, unless I'm lost, taken, or.... g-given away. Serenity might still be here as his shoulder 'guardian angel' to constantly keep him on the right track, though I could do that, too... if he just took the time to learn how. Allie might show up for special occasions or a rough night, but... what about everyone else?

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