Chapter 18

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"Who says he isn't here?"

I turn around and my eyes meet two dark chocolate colored ones. I stand up and put my hand forward to shake his hand when it is met with a bat. I feel a stinging pain and then I look down to see my skin shredded. I frown then look at his bat to see it wrapped in barbed wire that was now stained with my blood.

He was still staring at my hand that was still held out in front of me and I looked down at it. It was healing quickly. The bone that was peeking through was being covered by my flesh that was desperately trying to fix itself. He chuckles, then starts laughing. He looks me in the eyes and whispers. "That is fucking awesome. How are you doing that? Also, that stunt you pulled earlier, taking out those walkers, especially those last three, how in the fuckity fucking fuck did you do that?"

I looked down at the ground shyly. "If I tell you, you won't believe me."

Negan shrugged. "Trust me, darling. There isn't much that I wouldn't believe."

I look him in the eye when I tell him, hoping to see a reaction. "I'm half demon."

His smile drops immediately. "You better not be fucking with me, sweetheart. Or it's not going to be fucking funny."

I roll my eyes and raise a finger. I turn around and call a name that I normally wouldn't do. "CROWLEY. I need your help."

I hear him appear next to me with his usual words of greeting. "Hello, darling. What can I help you with today?"

I roll my eyes. "Crowley, this is Negan. Negan, this is Crowley."

Crowley hold his hand out for Negan to shake. "Pleasure meeting you sir."

Negan looks like he can't breathe. I raise an eyebrow and wait for him to try breathing again. When he doesn't respond, I turn to Crowley. "Hey, what's up with my brothers? Are they doing okay?"

Crowley lowers his hand and looks over at me. "Of course darling. I've been keeping my side of the deal. I see you don't have any weapons that are good against demons. Do you need one?"

I shake my head. "Hell no. I don't want to repeat that last little endeavor." I rub my neck. "Patricia took quite a while to slice my throat. Hope there isn't a scar this time. Can you check?" I ask while looking up so he can look at my neck.

Crowley shakes his head. "Nothing there, doll. You're good."

As Crowley and I have been conversing, a few more men emerge from the trees and watch their leader watch us. Negan finally recovers enough to ask a question. "What is Crowley?"

I grin wickedly before answering, "He's the King of Hell. I'm his superior. Any questions?"

Negan finally recovers completely and puts up his mask again. He smiles at me before answering. "I want you to work for me. I'll provide protection, housing, and if you want to we could-"

I hold up a hand. "Let me stop you there, sir." He grins at this. "I think that would be very enjoyable, not the last part, but I would like that. Unfortunately, I am still looking for my brother's. In fact, one second. Just remembered that I was supposed to do this last night."

I bow my head and pray to Castiel. "Castiel, you fucking angel, come here for a second."

Negan takes a step back from me. I glance at him, but notice that Castiel has appears behind me and is showing off his wings... Again. I roll my eyes and turn around to give Cas a hug. Then I immediately push him away and punch him in the face. I'm angry again and I know my eyes are black for everybody to see. "The hell Cas? I thought you guys were held up here, but no. You are somewhere else. Where the heck are you guys?"

Cas just laughs and pats my head. "You're really close to the place. Also, why weren't you with Morgan? Daryl found him and brought him back to where we are staying."

I smiled when I heard Daryl's name. "Daryl is alive? I found his bike so I thought something bad happened to him, but he is alive? Is he doing okay? I know my death was hard on him, but I was only gone a day in purgatory? What happened in a day?"

Castiel visibly paled at this. "A day? You were gone a day? No Marie. You were gone for five years."

I almost flip out, again. "What? I was?" I frown. "That's trippy. Anyway, I'll be coming home soon, but I would like to see what Negan is talking about. Tell Daryl I love him. Same with Sam and Dean. Also, I'm going crazy without Gabe being here. Send him asap."

Castiel smiled and we hugged again. Then with a woosh he was gone. I turned to Negan with a smile. "Sorry about that. Castiel is an angel of the Lord, so he has a bit of a flair for dramatics. Please resume what you were taking about?"

Negan grinned. "Where were you parked before?"

I shrugged. "Follow me. I'm sure Daryl and Morgan took the car because I have the bike keys. I would like to see your compound before I find my brothers, is that okay?" I ask.

Negan nods his head and his men are following him, but have their eyes trained on me. "That seems reasonable. It will make it easier to have your people and us work together in the future if we establish a good relationship."

I smile happily. "That sounds fantastic! I haven't seen where my brothers are yet, but there might be enough room to house some of your people if you have an overflow. We would have to clear up some things with the rest of the group."

Negan claps his hand on my shoulder and laughs. "Already a good relationship. I like you almost as much as Lucille does."

My eyebrows furrow. "Who is Lucille? Is she here?"

Negan swings his bat off of his shoulder and holds it in front of him. "This... Is Lucille. She liked how you took out all those walkers so... Ferociously. I liked that too. A lot."

I chuckled. "Coolio. Is it okay with you if I get my bow out, there have been quite a few critters out today. I'd like to hunt a little."

Negan nods. "You may."

I pull my sleek bow off of my shoulders and load an arrow into it. I crouch down and everything goes silent in my head. I think about the trees, the slight breeze shifting through my hair. I hear a strange noise and look to see a little fox trot through the woods close to us. I hold my fist up, signaling to stop. Then I hold my finger to my lips telling the group behind me to be silent. I pull out some leftover rabbit meat and silently crawl over to the fiery creature.

It sniffs the air, then comes closer to me. I smile and slowly hold out the meat in my palm. It comes closer and eats the food out of my hand. Then it comes closer to my face and nuzzles it a little before licking my cheek. I sit back on the ground and feed it a little bit more food from my bag. I stand up a little bit later and look over at the men to see them staring at me in awe.

I look at Negan and I see respect in his eyes. I nod my head and begin walking towards the treeline and heading to the bike. I look down at my feet to see that the fox has followed me. I get to my bike and start securing stuff on it before patting the seat for the fox to get on in front of me. It curls up between my legs and I grab the poncho off of the back of the bike and shrug it on.

I watch as the rest of the men come forward out of the trees before asking my question. "Alright. Where is your place? Or your car? I can take one of you with me to get the truck so you can bring it back here. Simon?"

The man with the mustache comes forward before Negan stops him. "I'll go. Keep an eye on our ginger friend. You boys hold up here. Simon, you're in charge."

Negan gets on the bike behind me and wraps his arms around my waist before laughing, "Let's go get that truck, sweetheart"

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