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My mouth fell open. Merle lost his hand. Specifically his right hand. I couldn't believe it. I banged on the door, yelling for Jenner to open it. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Castiel. He frowned. "What is going on?"

I felt tears falling down my cheeks. "Sammy and Dean are in there. The building is about to blow up. We only have a few minutes left. Also, Merle's hand was cut off, you need to heal him," I cried into his shoulder. I went back to bang the door, when it opened up. Sam and Dean slammed into me, hugging me. I looked at the group. Merle's hand wasn't there anymore, but it was healed. "We need to get our stuff and get out of here. Let's grab any food that's left too. How much longer?"

Rick ran into the hall. "Twenty minutes. We can do this."

I nodded and raced into my room, I shoved anything that might be useful into my bag. I ran straight into Dean's room, flinging the closet open. Grabbing Daryl's crossbow, I raced up into the area where we entered earlier. There was a loud BANG and I was flung backwards. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder, and a warm, thick substance running down my arm. I ran to Merle's truck and jumped in. Daryl slammed the door shut, and I heard people screaming, then a deafening BOOM I felt the truck jiggle, and a wave of heat wash over us. Daryl sat up slowly, and looked at me. His eyes immediately went to my shoulder, widening in shock. "Mars, stay with me girl," he frantically said. I saw black edging up along the edge of my vision, and I suddenly felt woozy. I opened my mouth to utter one word. "Castiel."

Daryl started to shout, but I was way too out of it to discern what he said. I felt a hand on my shoulder, and the piece of metal yanked out harshly. I screamed for what seemed like hours. I felt a searing heat on my wound, and started to thrash around, still screaming my head off. I have never felt pain like this. Even hellhounds didn't hurt this bad. I finally slipped into unconsciousness, peacefulness washing over me.


I woke up to a concerned Daryl looming over me. I grinned. "Sup?" I rasped out. His head shot up and his eyes teared up. "I thought I lost you," he whispered. I looked at him and chuckled. "How long have I been out?" I asked.

"Four days," He mumbled. My eyes widened. I placed a hand on Daryl's cheek and lifted his face up. "I won't leave you again," I murmured before kissing him gently. My lips were chapped, while his were surprisingly soft.

I pulled away from him and smiled. The RV door opened and Dean rushed through. "Marie! Finally, you were taking your own sweet time waking up, weren't you?" I laughed, but tears rushed to my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'll try not to do that again," I said against Dean's shoulder.

He pulled away and I gave Sam a quick hug. I started to stand, but I had to immediately sit back down. I looked at Daryl. "Can I have some water?" He nodded and grabbed a water from the RV's fridge. I let the cool liquid slosh down my throat. I finished it in seconds. "Thanks."

I lifted my hands up to Daryl. "Piggyback ride!" I smiled. He shook his head but bent down anyways and started to head out the door. I looked around. We were on a farm. "Where are we?" I asked. He headed up the steps. "Hershel Greene's house. He helped us out when Carl got shot-"

"Carl got shot? What else happened?" I asked.

He placed me on a kitchen stool and sat next to me. "God, what didn't happen? Sophia went missing, Carl got shot, and Jacqui and Andrea decided to stay at the CDC. Merle made some kind of arm thing that he could attach a knife to..."

I frowned. "Wow.. Everything did happen while I was out."

I looked over at him. "How are you doing?"

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