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Andrea and Amy had caught a ton of fish today.

We were all eating fish, I was situated between Merle and Daryl, laughing at a joke Jacqui had told us. I looked over at Dean and Castiel and saw that Cas' arm was draped over Dean's shoulders. I nudged Daryl and pointed over to them with a happy smile on my face. He looked over and grinned. "My second ship has been completed," I whispered with a grin. He looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "What is a 'ship'?" He asked, using air quotations with the word "ship".

I looked back at the fire. "It's when you want to people to become a couple, but they aren't yet. An OTP is your favorite ship. You can even give your ships names. Like Dean and Castiel, their ship name is Destiel. And Sam and Gabriel, their's is Sabriel. The ships can be straight or gay, it doesn't matter."

I looked over at Daryl who was looking at me with a faint smile on his face. "That's kinda cute. Can you ship yourself with somebody?"

I nodded. "Yeah, you can. In fact, if you want to, one of my favorite pickup lines is: 'I ship us.' or 'We are my OTP.' I think those are pretty cute. It would definitely work on me."

I looked and saw Amy standing up. Andrea noticed. "Where are you going?"

Amy just rolled her eyes. "I need to go pee. Gosh, you try to be discreet," she mumbles. The group laughed, and I got up to practice my bow. "I'm gonna go practice my bow for a few minutes. I need to see if anything is wrong with it," I started walking off when I heard footsteps behind me. "I'll come with ya. I need to grab my bow and make some new arrows for it anyways," Daryl told me. I nodded and started to shoot. I only had to adjust my aim a couple of times, perfecting it. Daryl was sitting with his back leaning on the trunk of a tree. I walked over to him and sat down next to him. "Daryl?"
He grunted.
"You're pretty snazzy," I mumbled, dozing off. I jolted awake when I heard a scream and gunshots. I looked up and saw a walker bite into Amy's neck. I jumped up and looked over at Daryl who was sleepily looking around. He must have dozed off as well. I placed an arrow onto the string of my bow and quickly killed a walker who was about to get Carol. I kept taking walkers out without a second thought. One walker had somehow snuck up on me, and grabbed my long hair. I whipped my blade out and thrust it behind me into the walker's eye, killing it instantly. 

The battle was soon done, all of the walkers laying at our feet. The only noises were of the sobs from some of the women and the children, and the panting of others. I bowed my head. The walker had almost ended me. All because of my hair. I walked to the lake, dipping my hair in and wetting it. I brushed it, wanting to have an even cut. I put my hair into a kinda ponytail, with the tie around my shoulders. I grabbed my machete, making sure it was sharp, and sliced slightly above my ponytail.

It was shoulder length, perfect for pulling back into a ponytail. I grabbed some scissors and cut some longer side bangs. I dried my hair, satisfied with my look. I walked out of the RV and collided with Jim. "Oh hey Jim, how ya doin'?" I asked.

He started to sniffle. "I got bit."

I immediately frowned, and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry Jim. Maybe the CDC will have a cure. Just try to make it there."

He nodded and walked into the RV. I saw Jacqui run in after him, probably to take care of him. I looked up at the rest of the group, and they were just staring at me. I made a face. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Dean chuckled. "Nice haircut, Mars. Suits you."

I rolled my eyes and grinned. "When you almost die because of it being long, you usually want an new style."

I walked over to Daryl's truck. I hopped in the bed, looking closer at the bike. I heard Merle's footsteps come up behind me. "That's my bike. She's a beaut, isn't she?"

I nodded. "Yeah. A Triumph Bonneville 650 built somewhere between 1965 and 1971, I'm assuming?" I looked over at him with a grin. "I have a Harley Sportster. It's a nice bike, I just miss it. Can I take yours for a ride later?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Sure. Maybe on the way to the CDC."

I looked at Daryl. He was wearing a leather vest with angel wings on the back. "Daryl, cool vest. I like the wings," I told him. He scoffed and looked away. The hell is his problem today? I looked at Merle again. "The hell is wrong with him today? Somebody got his panties in a bunch?"

Merle shook his head. "Naw, he's just grumpy with Rick and Shane. Nothing 'bout you."

I rolled my eyes, and hopped off the truck to get my stuff from the Impala, including my new made holster for my blade. That's right, I finally found a use for that deer skin after all. By the time I had strapped everything on, the others were ready. I was walking over towards them when Morales spoke up. "Um, we aren't going with your group to the CDC. We have family in Birmingham."

I shook his hand, and hugged the rest of his family. I barely knew them, but I hoped that they would survive. After we had all said our goodbyes, I walked over to Merle. "So how about that ride?"

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