37.We can fight together

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A/N :" I'm sorry for late update I get ill so I can't written yesterday , I hope This is a bit long story ^w^ 


     *Mafumafu POV *

        We found some place to cured our wounds   , Soraru  have Same potion can recovered my power so I can cured everyone fastly 

      Soraru :" I wonder kashitarou can saved amatsuki ? "

      Urata :" I bealive kashitarou can protect amatsuki "

      Mafu :" Yes , I bealive that too . "

      Sou :" Ugh... ?? "

      Kain :" Sou ! "

      Mafu :" Sou-kun !  "

      Sou :" Um... what happened to me ..? "

      Kain :" You fainted when helped kashitarou ."

      Sou :" ah... I remember that "

      Mafu :" First drink this medicine so you can recovered your power . "

      Urata :" Yes . We must recovered our power first  . "

       Soraru :" Yes , They are right . "

       Sou :" B-but I'm worried if something  happened  . "

       Mafu :" We can't defeat them because we didn't know who have the zeus power ... "

       Soraru :" But I always thinking this ... Maybe.... amatsuki have that's power .. ?

        Mafu :" Eh ? Why you thinking like that sora-chan ? "

        Soraru :" Isn't he is strange ? He can give us the pandant who is powerfull and he is the good leader of our group  . "

      I thinking that a moment ... that is somehow is right... I wonder where amtsuki found this pandant so much . All of us have it... Except Sou..  So why amatsuki give this pandant to us ? Is this pandant really from the colleseum ? If that is right , Isn't it strange amatsuki always winning it ?

         Kain :" Sou , I give this pandant to you , I don't know to who I will give this , but I bealive you didn't batray us .. " * Give the pandant

          Sou :" But.. this is important to you .. "

          Kain :" Yes as much as you . You are important person to me too . "

           Sou :" E-eh... okay " *Blushed

           Mafu :" Aw.. they are so cute. "

           Soraru :" Its reminds me to our first meet  . "

           Mafu:" Y-yeah... Its emberassed me so much ... " *Blushed

           Soraru :" B-but thats isn't problem right now ,,, hahaha ... "

      There no way I didn't emberassed right now... but never mind , What ever it is I'm still loved sora-chan very much , I don't want spared with him.... so we can face the world together.. without thinking about what will be happened in the future...


      *Kashitarou POV *

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