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A/N:"Maybe this title mean something ( ̄ω ̄) but read it if you want to know it ~ Thx for vote or read this story ~♡(ŐωŐ人)"

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*Soraru Pov*(in the Element castel )( Kashi guardian in the guild house to protect kashitaro)

      When we arrived.. we all suprise.. because this castel really big castel , Its looks like we really have a long time to get a dragon tears..

Soraru:"....Is this really Element castel ?? "

Mafumafu:"..I thinks so.. but I never go to this place.. so I didn't know much.."

Hanatan:"... I'm glad brought many bottle to cure my SP(Mana) ..."

Amatsuki:"... I'm glad brought this bag .. We can use this to got same food.."

Sakata:"... I'm glad I leveling up my weapon.."

Urata:"... I'm glad I brought My tanuki doll.."

All of members:"Eh??"

Urata:" I-I'm just kidding !! in this important we must feel glad whatever we brought!! "

Sakata:"So ? Without youre tanuki doll you can't life huh?"

Urata:"I said I'm just kidding Saka-san!!"

Sakata:"*Giggle* Okay okay ~"

Soraru:"... So lets go in Floor 1..."

      When we want to go in, mafumafu looked at something


Soraru:"What it is mafu?"

Mafumafu:"There something in the beside this castel tower.. Didn't this felt weird ? Looks like no one in there castel.. Maybe this is a trap... lets check it.."

     Mafu is right , we felt same as mafu and all of members follow mafu, something like a dark hole beside this castel.."What this is?" When we look closer,the hole suddenly was attracted we inside

     I  opened my eyes.. mafumafu beside be.. but others is disappeared ... we were in a place that was very startled me ... "This ... place is..."

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*Mafumafu Pov*

    We suddenly got inside in the hole I found it...Somehow My head hurts.. Soraru wake me up..

Soraru:"Hey mafu , wake up."

Mafumafu:"Ugh... Where we are?? This place is... Miyagi prefecture?? we in the real world ?"*Looked around(A/N:"Miyagi Perfecture is one of japanise place")

Soraru:"... .. In the right thinks ... this is my hometown... .."


    When we talked each other we see a little boy with dark blue haired come to us .

A little boy:"Hey! you two ! you two is cosplayer??"


     Somehow.. this child looks like soraru..

Mafumafu:"Hey child, who is youre name?"

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