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A/N:"Hallo !! After I finished my pkl (Like some a work practice) I 'm continue this story ! and now lets start !! thx to everyone who read this story~


*Soraru Pov *


I'm suprise about mafumafu statement, but I'm actually more suprise about" why he cry just about that thinks ?" I let go of a hugged and asked he

Soraru:"where do you know about that ?"

Mafumafu:"A-ama-chan... he tell me about you when I ask about you..."

"Damn !That amatsuki !" thought soraru

Soraru:" *sigh , listen this mafumafu , that was true I didn't like people lie to me but I don't know about this thinks you lie to me... actually I'd not hate you if you just lie about simple thinks .. because we human definitely can lied sometimes... and don't take serious about amatsuki words..."

Mafumafu:"o-okay.." *wipe away the tears

Soraru:"Tell me , what thinks you lied to me ?"

Mafumafu:"A-actually.. I'm played that game you talk about yesterday.."

Soraru :" And ?"

Mafumafu:" I-I'm a mage in that game.. and we have some mages comunity but we mages prohibited tell the identity of we self.. or we got some punishment.."

Soraru:" I see... but you tell me right now.. is that fine?"

Mafumafu:"there is real world.. we community never met each other. except , we know each other before join community..."

Soraru:" and why there same guild have mages? isn't that you said if you are a mage in that community prohibited to tell your identity ??"

Mafumafu:"that is maybe a mage already got same punishment..."

Soraru:"what punishment they got?"

Mafumafu:"... ..."

Mafumafu got silent and look sad when he want to tell it..

Mafumafu:".... .. They lost her/him memorys..."


Mafumafu :" They Lost memorys about anyone they met in games ! its like your restart game ... that actually evective to in real world... if we got cought I can't remember you and we become strangers.."

Soraru:"i-is that really true?"


"T-that games really dangerous..." thought soraru ..

Soraru:" we can't in a same guild.. "

Mafumafu:"Don't worry."

Soraru:"eh ?"

Mafumafu:"you can join amatsuki guild"

Soraru:" eh? he played too?"

Mafumafu:"yes. we played together and know each other before join community. so you can join amatsuki guild but ..."

Soraru:"but? "

Mafumafu:" You must got a blue crystal pendant , I have two that pandant . but um.." *Blush

Soraru:"But ??"

Soraru looked at mafumafu face become redder as tomato

Mafumafu:"w-we must h-have s-same contract.."*Blush

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