Chapter 10: Bullies Are Bad

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After a few minutes since I left the classroom....

There are the most popular students in the 6th Grade named Rhiane, Dorothy, and Zeena. They are not actually friendly to anyone, especially to me.

But why??.......

When I talked to them....

Me: H...hi girls.

The 3: oh hi bad Gabrielle... blehh.. get out of our way!

Me: Why? What's wrong with me? Im not hurting you!

The 3: yes you are! We want to be a favorite student of MRS. PILANDE!

Me: You should be respectful and nice to everyone to be her favorite student.

The 3: Blehhh! We cant believe that you are a FAVORITE student of Mrs. Pilande!

Mrs. Pilande arrived at my side. She saw the 3 girls being bad to me.

MP: Hey Girls! Why are you fighting with Gabrielle?!

The 3 girls remained speechless......

MP: Go to the Principle's Office!

The 3: Sorry Gabrielle.....

MP: Go to the Principle's Office!! NOW!!!

The 3 girls headed off to the Principle's Office. Mrs. Pilande approached me.

MP: Are you okay?

G: Yes Mrs. Pilande.

MP: Is your service here yet?

G: Not yet Mrs. Pilande. I've been waiting for hours already.

MP: I'll text your mom. I'm gonna fetch you home.

G: Thanks Mrs. Pilande! You are the BEST!

MP: Always welcome!

Mrs. Pilande kissed me again in the CHEEKS already. Boy this is my first time actually to have 2 kisses from my most favorite teacher!

I have waited for hours to go home. Mrs. Pilande's dismissal time today is 3pm. But our dismissal is 12pm.


Finally! Mrs. Pilande service again!.... hahaha!

Before we went home, she gave me an album from her desk. It has pictures of her lost daughter. Is that me!?

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