Chapter 7- Miracles Do Happen

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Remember the last sentence in Chapter 6? Well it's not the way I expected it to be.

After I said the words, "I can't," my classmates and Mrs. Pilande arrived at my hospital room. They gave me all letters to read at. While Mrs. Pilande gave a notebook with all her information inside.

So I believe that Miracles do Happen when you're not expecting much better than the way you expect.

I wish I can be healed by now. It's so hard to be confined..........

It depends in your bravery and courageousness. My classmates and Mrs. Pilande always believes me when I am passing through a tough problem.

I had high fever.

Mrs. Pilande actually asked me in the phone to go to the hospital room. This is the conversation:

Mrs. Pilande: Hi Gabrielle! How are you feeling?

Me: I can't go to school today Mrs. Pilande. I'm sick.

Mrs. Pilande: I want to go to you in your hospital room.

Me: Oh okay Mrs. Pilande. I also want to see the whole class

Mrs. Pilande: Okay I'll text their moms. Got to go....

Me: Okay Mrs. Pilande.

And the next day..........

9- Saturn and Mrs. Pilande went to the Hospital Room.

Boy I was so dumbfounded.

"Oh... H...hi Gabrielle. Are you okay?" My classmate, Andrea, said.

"A bit.....,, okay.." I said.

My mom was in the canteen. While I was in the hospital room with Mrs. Pilande and 6- Maparaan.

And they left after a few minutes, I think 25 minutes. Why didn't they make it 30 minutes??

Anyways, after this, I believe that "Miracles do Happen".

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