Chapter 2-The Jocks and The Cheerleaders

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Pearls POV

After they walked away Topaz asked if we were okay.We said that we were okay and nothing had happened.Topaz was part of the jocks-the athletes.The jocks consisted of Jasper,Garnet,Topaz,and Bismuth.Garnet and Bismuth were in our grade but Topaz and Jasper were Juniors.

"I still don't understand," Bismuth said "Why do they keep coming after you?"

"To be honest-" Blue said, "I have no idea."

"Maybe you guys should hang around us to make sure they don't try anything." Jasper said

Garnet nodded in agreement.I saw that Pink and Yellow were blushing but I don't think the others saw it.

"Look-" I said, "We can take care of ourselves."

"Really?" Said Topaz, "It looked like White Diamond was going to beat the living snot out of you."

Just then Rose,Amethyst,Lapis,and Aquamarine turned the corner-the cheerleaders.Aquamarine and Lapis were Juniors and Rose and Amethyst were sophomores.

Great I said to myself the last thing we need is for them to get involved.

"What are you guys talking about?" Said Rose.

Bismuth responded, "Were talking about how White Diamond almost beat the living snot out of Pearl."

"What?!" They all responded and looked at me.

Garnet also added, "We are also talking about having the nerds hang around us in case the drama queens wanted to try something but they don't agree."

"Garnet that sounds like a great idea." said Lapis

Aquamarine turned to us and asked, "How come you don't agree?" 

Just then the bell rang signaling to us that school was over.

We walked away but the jocks and cheerleaders caught up to us.

"Yeah?" said Amethyst "Why don't you agree?"

This time Pink responded for me, "We can take care of ourselves."

We push open the school doors as Yellow added, "You guys also barely have any classes with us while at least one of the diamonds are in each of our classes."

"That is true," said Garnet, "but it still could help."

"Yeah I guess so." I said

I scanned the parking lot and noticed the drama queens were still here and looking in our direction.All of us noticed.

"Do you guys want a ride home?' Jasper said

"Sure." I said trying to play off my panic.

We walked in silence the whole way,the cheerleaders had their own car so they didn't have to ride with us.

We finally reached Jasper's Truck.

Garnet screamed, "Shot Gun!"

"Darn it!" Said Topaz.

The rest of us hopped in the back sitting on the sides of the truck.Jasper took off and I could still feel the drama queens gaze.

Credit to CubdCoconut on Tumbler for the artwork

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