Chapter 8. Locker Dilemma

Start from the beginning

"The substitute. Now, state your name." He says again, his pen ready to scribble my tardiness.

I look past him and see Melissa secretively nodding her head to the desk in front of her which is were Cassandra normally sits, but instead, it's empty. Cassandra is most likely late like she usually is for first period because she always gets her nails done and just lies to the teacher to get off the hook, but today we have a substitute...

The telepathic idea from Melissa pops into my head as I hide my mischievous grin.

"Name!" He says again, a little louder, clearly getting impatient.

"Cassandra Reynolds."


"Ah yes, the oldest trick in the book. Lying to a substitute. I taught you well." Connor gloats, patting my head like I'm some dog.

I throw his hands off of me and roll my eyes.

"You should've seen Cassandra's face at lunch today though! It was priceless once the school office told her that she was late and she refused, saying she was here all day." Melissa grins.

"You don't think she'll beat me to a pulp, do you?" I ask, gulping down my fear.

"Oh come on, loosen up! She's probably too scared to break a perfect nail on her hand." Connor reassures.

"Yeah, probably.." I mutter as everyone continues talking about different things as we head down to the gym to go to the school assembly.


I sit beside Connor and Lilly as Chase, Kenzie and Melissa sit on the end of the bleachers.

Our principal stands up to the small podium and clear his throat, tapping the microphone two times.

"Hello students of West Wood High, I am here today to inform you all of the new start of the semester, because some things will be changing.." Principal Adams announces, trailing off into a big speech.

"I'll be right back, I have to pee." I whisper, leaning to Connor.

He nods as I stand up and walk through the thin bleacher aisle, until I am finally out of the bleachers and out the gym doors.

I walk down the silent halls and turn left, heading for the girls restrooms. Something behind me moves, as if someone was following me. I frown and turn around, only to see nothing.

I push the girls bathroom door open and take one step inside, until a hand clamps over my mouth and drags me backwards. I try to scream but the hand that covers my mouth, prevents it from happening. A cloth is then put over my mouth as I breathe in what seems to be a hairspray or an air freshener scent, then before I know it, I blackout..


A loud clatter makes me snap my eyes open and gasp for air as if I was suffocating underwater, in need of air. I pant heavily and look at my surroundings. Pure darkness, except for three small straight lines that shine light onto me. I squint my eyes, getting used to the lighting and then realize that I am in a locker.

My heart races as I pound on the metal locker door.

"Help! Help me, someone! Please!" I scream and pound harder on the metal door that is trapping me inside a small space.

Have I mentioned that I am claustrophobic? Yeah, I'm the dyslexic, claustrophobic freak.

"Please! Let me out!" I cry and kick the locker.

Since I am standing and not crouching, that means I am in the locker rooms since the lockers here are long enough that someone could stand inside one.

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